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The rest of the day passed quickly as the four of us began scheming. It was pretty simple really, we were already planning to go out on New Year's eve, and were planning to keep our heads down-, much to Sirius's disagreement. Now, we were going to be sure to be seen.

James and I, at least.

Remus was not a fan of this idea, but Sirius was more than happy to oblige and make a scene. He always was good at making his presence known, so was James.

The afternoon of New Year's eve, we all took naps and Pepper-Up potions so we could stay out the whole night.

I was standing in the bathroom, my hair was wrapped up in a towel and I had my robe on.

James came walking into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me into a hug from behind. He kissed my jaw as I leaned into his embrace.

"Hello, love." I smiled as I watched the two of us in the mirror.

He kissed me on the neck, "Hello, sweetheart."

"Are you going to get ready?"

"Not yet," James replied, "I'll just throw some clothes on."

I turned around to look at him, leaning against the counter, "Are you going to do your hair?"

James yanked the towel off my head, pulling my hair.


He laughed, "My hair is perfect, as usual."

"Of course it is, dear."

James kissed me again, trailing his lips down my neck.

There was a loud thudding as Sirius ran into the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe with a sigh.

James turned and glared at Sirius for interrupting.

"Vixen!" Sirius looked at James and me, "Well, sorry for interrupting, but this is an emergency."

I wiggled my way out of  James' grasp as I turned my full attention to Sirius. I pushed my damp hair out of my face, "What's wrong?"

"I need your opinion on if my outfit is muggle enough." Sirius exclaimed.

James sighed and leaned against the bathroom counter. I placed a kiss on his cheek, "Be right back."

Sirius stuck his tongue out, "Got your girl, Prongs."

I smacked Sirius on the head, "I'm not anyone's girl."

"That's my girl-, shit-, you know what I mean!" James exclaimed, a single curl brushing over his brow bone.

"Well, I am your girl."

James stuck his tongue out as I practically dragged Sirius out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

"You realize that I have to get ready?" I teased.

"Yes, you should brush your hair before it dries weird." Sirius muttered, opening the door to his bedroom.

He grabbed his wand from his dresser, "Straight or curled?"

"Surprise me."

With the wave of his wand, my blonde hair dried into soft ringlet curls, stopping just below my collarbone.

"Thanks, Padfoot."

Remus was sitting on their bed, reading a book. His honey-brown eyes met mine as Sirius and I walked into the room, obnoxiously loud.

"We're going to a wizard neighborhood, so you don't have to wear muggle clothes."

Sirius rustled through the wardrobe as he pulled out his outfit. "Oh, I know, but I still want to look like the baddest bitch there."

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