twenty seven

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"I'm so excited to see mum!" Sirius chimed as he grabbed his trunk from above his seat.

James grinned, "Me too."

"You're such a mummy's boy." I teased, taking my trunk from James.

"My mum's dead."

We all turned to Remus, instantly quieting down. His mum died before he started Hogwarts when he was nine, and we all knew this, but Remus liked to make jokes about it.

Remus shrugged, "It's okay, you can laugh, it's funny."

"Erm-, no it's not." James muttered as he pat Remus on the back.

Sirius chuckled, "At least your mum didn't disown you, abuse you, try to make you marry your cousin, and force blood status supremacy on you."

I stifled a laugh, "Okay-, seriously that's not funny."

"Am I the only one who has a normal mum?" James asked as we left our compartment on the Hogwarts Express, for one of the last times.

I smiled, "Well, my mum is an alcoholic, hates her children, doesn't love her husband, and spends her time locked away in the guest bedroom."

"Oh-, you beat me there." Remus laughed as we stepped off the train.

James shook his head, "You lot are insane."

"But you love us." Sirius chimed.

He grinned, "Yeah, I do."

As we walked across the platform, I quickly spotted Fleamont and Euphemia. They both stood near a post on the platform, smiled on their faces. Fleamont's hair was grey, and Euphemia had black hair mixed with grey, but she was still one of the prettiest women I have ever seen.

Sirius spotted the Potter's next, and sped forward, dropping his trunk on the ground before pulling Euphemia into a hug, followed by Fleamont. Despite not being blood relatives, Sirius was just as much their son as James was.

The Potter's faces lit up as they saw their sons, and Remus and I, who were kind of like their children in some sort.

Euphemia pulled me into a hug, "Oh Daphne, it is so good to see you again!"

"I'm glad to see you too, Mrs. Potter." I replied. "Thank you for letting me stay with you over the summer."

The older lady laughed, "Please, call me Euphemia, and we are delighted that we get all four of you for the whole summer."

James hugged his mum next as I greeted Fleamont, and Remus was the last to hug the Potter parents, thanking them for letting him stay for the summer.

We all came from dysfunctional families, to say the least, but the Potter's like to take in 'strays', at least that's what Sirius says. Fleamont and Euphemia were more than happy to take in Sirius last summer when he finally left his awful household.

"Well, let's go home, shall we? I had Alma make up some rooms-, I didn't know what the sleeping arrangements were, but anything is fine with us."

James kissed his mum on the cheek, "Thanks, mum."

I saw Sirius and Remus exchange a look with each other. Mister and Missus Potter didn't know that Sirius and Remus were together in that way, but they were bound to find out at some point. James was positive that they would be okay with it, even happy for them.

"You kids can all apparate, right?"

We all nodded in agreement, and Fleamont pulled out his wand and disappeared with a twist.

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