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The days leading up to Christmas passed quickly. The four of us spent our days out in the different arrondissements throughout the beautiful city or lounging around the manor.

Sirius insisted on exploring the Catacombs of Paris, but Remus was fast to give him an answer-, which was unfortunately no. James thought it would be fun, but I told them how dim-witted they were.

Before I knew it, it was Christmas eve.

Unsurprisingly, James and I had in fact made it a habit to fall asleep together. Even though that was all it ever was, it was still something. I slept best when he was next to me.

We had managed to get away with it without Sirius and Remus finding out. They would blow it out of proportion. James and I were just two friends who simply enjoyed not sleeping alone. They would claim that we're secretly in love.

But we can't be in love if only one person has feelings.

When I woke up on Christmas Eve morning, I carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake up James. I slid my slippers on and shrugged on my robe over my pajamas.

I had woken up slightly earlier than usual, and I assumed that I was the only one awake.

The house was silent.

Slowly walking through the halls of the white house, I stopped when I reached the kitchen. I brewed a cup of coffee and poured it into my mug.

I made my way to the sitting room, which overlooked the gardens, and was surprised to see a lone figure sitting on the couch.


The boy turned to look at me, a soft smile on his face. "Good morning Daphne, you're up early."

I looked at the clock.

6:47 am.

"I could say the same thing for you."

Remus chuckled, "I couldn't sleep."

"Me too, well I was sleeping-, but my head won't shut the fuck up, so now I'm awake." I mumbled as I held the warm mug in my hands. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"I think Sirius has a cold, so he was snoring."

I laughed, "That would make sense."

Remus laughed, "Tell me more about these thoughts."

Remus and I had the type of friendship where we could go awhile without talking, but pick up our previous conversation right where we left off. Unfortunately, we hadn't gotten the chance to talk just the two of us.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

A grin danced across his face, "You know I can."

I sighed deeply and took a sip of my coffee. I don't want to say it, because if I say it out loud then that will make it real, and I'm scared.

"Hypothetically," I muttered, "I have gotten a lot closer with a certain boy recently, and realized how fucking hot he is-"

"Is it James?"

I rolled my eyes, "It is not."

Remus raised his eyebrows at me.

"Okay," I groaned, "It may or may not be James."

"Called it-"

"Remus, it's not very relevant to the story." I teased. "So this boy and I fell asleep together, then he helped me to bed when I was drunk, and I asked him to stay."

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