twenty five

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TW: Sex
If this makes you uncomfortable don't read past the second set of ellipses.

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"James-, you can't be up here!"

"But it's her birthday! We'll be fast."

"Just let them in."

There was whispering coming from the doorway of the dormitory, pulling me out of sleep. I stretched in my bed and began to curl back up when a weight smashed on top of my body.


"Happy birthday, love!"

I opened my eyes, blinking the sleep out of my eyes as I adjusted to my surroundings. James flopped on top of me, and Remus and Sirius were standing behind him, grins on their faces.

'I'm sorry' Remus mouthed to me, stifling a laugh as he did so.

Sirius cleared his throat, grinning widely.

"Happy birthday to you,"

I covered myself with my blankets.

"Happy birthday to you,"

James pulled the blankets down and kissed me on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, dear Daphne,"

Everyone in the dormitory was singing now. James, Sirius, Remus, Jolie, Lily, Marlene, and Mary.

"Happy birthday to you!"

I pulled myself into a sitting position and gave the group a small smile, "Thank you-, but next time please don't rudely wake me up."

Jolie scoffed, "I didn't want to let them in, but Mary-"

"Is amazing and enjoys the birthday spirit!" James finished, sticking his tongue out at Jolie.

She flipped him off, "It's too early for this."

"Agreed." I muttered, flopping back down in my bed.

Sirius sat down on the edge of my bed, "Vixen, it's nine in the morning."

"Exactly! It's a Saturday-, which means that I get to sleep in."

Remus laughed, "I told them to wait a bit longer."

"We voted against him." James whispered with his signature smirk.

James wrapped his arms around me as I laid in bed, laying on top of my warm body. I ran my fingers through his unruly curls, "I'll go get ready, then we can do go whatever it is that you have planned for today."

Sirius raised his fist into the air, and Remus rolled his eyes at him.

"Does that mean that you lot are going to leave now?" Marlene asked, her sweet voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jolie wrapped her arm around Marlene's shoulders, "I was thinking exactly the same thing."

"Fine," James groaned, sitting up from my bed, "Party tonight, be there."

The girls all mumbled various kinds of agreements and went back to getting ready for the day, except for Marlene, who had already crawled back into her bed and drew the curtains.

James kissed me on the forehead, "Meet you in the common room?"

I nodded in agreement, and the three boys disappeared out into the corridor, softly closing the dormitory door behind them.

Lily laughed, "How do they even know how to get up here?"

I shook my head, "They still refuse to tell me."

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