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After dinner, which I admit was quite good, the four of us were sprawled across the couches in the living room playing truth or dare. But we weren't playing the normal truth or dare, because that's too boring.

"I have firewhiskey, vodka, and absinthe." I announced as Sirius and I set down the three bottles on the coffee table.

James grabbed a glass from the table and unscrewed the bottle of absinthe. The bright green alcohol splashed as it settled into the cup.

"I want to be psychedelic."

Remus rolled his eyes, "There's no actual proof."

"And? I am simply testing a theory."

I grabbed the bottle of vodka off the table and poured it into my glass. The good thing about having distant parents who care about traveling more than they care about their own kids is that they bring back the most amazing gifts from their trips.

Hence, the Russian vodka that was now filling my cup.

I took several sips of the drink, and let it burn as it slithered down my throat.

"Moony, truth, or dare?" I asked.

The brunette boy looked up at me as he took a sip of his firewhiskey. Remus rarely drinks, but I was glad that he was finally joining the party tonight.


All eyes were on me as I took another sip of my drink. I stifled a laugh as a thought popped into my mind. This is going to be good.

"My dear Remus," I laughed, "What are your kinks?"

Remus blushed red as James poured himself another drink in anticipation. Sirius, on the other hand, was laughing his arse off.


"If you don't want to answer, I can tell you!"

"Sirius-, no!" Remus hissed back, his blush creeping back up his face.

James leaned back up against the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table. He had changed out of his previous outfit and was wearing grey sweatpants with his Gryffindor quidditch jumper.

He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and brushed away a stray curl that hung above his brow bone.

It was quite a sight.

Remus cleared his throat before speaking in a hushed voice, "Sirius."

James and I burst out laughing. The best thing was that he was one hundred percent Sirius-, I mean serious.

"As it should be." Sirius teased as he poured another glass of absinthe.

"I'm going to get you back for that, Vixen."

I scoffed at him, "I'd like to see you try."

Once our laughter died down, Remus chose his victim. "Prongs, truth, or dare?"

James sat up straight, "Dare."

"Whisper something dirty to the person to your right."

James looked at me.

Shit, I was sitting to his right.

Remus was already making me pay up-, even if it wasn't directly.

"Is this okay?" James whispered to me.

I nodded, "Yes."

Sirius was laughing, and I shot him a glare in an attempt to shut him up. Thankfully, it worked. I slid across the floor closer to James.

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