thirty six

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Just Over One Month Later

I can't believe this is the last time I'll be going to Hogwarts. This will be the second to last time that I board the train with my best friends, who I met in this very compartment.

It was melancholic.

Part of me will miss Hogwarts, and all of the things that go with it, but the other part of me is excited to get a move on with the rest of my life.

James wants to play quidditch professionally, and he's already gotten offers but I think he's going to put that on hold until after the whole 'defeat the Dark Lord' thing. I want to work at the Ministry, preferably in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. A job in that department will allow me to travel and get paid.

Sirius wants to be an Auror at the Ministry, Remus can never have a stable job because of his lycanthropy, but he wants to be a professor. As for Jolie, she's a fucking wild card.

Nothing new there.

I ended up not seeing my family the entire summer. Beatrice sent me a couple of letters, Henry sent me one. Apparently, my mum spent the entire summer swimming in alcohol, and my dad got promoted at work, making him not be home even more.

Nothing new there.

"I'm still pissed that you lot are leaving me alone for a whole year."

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Regulus muttered something to all of us in the train compartment.

Sirius ruffled his hair, only to have Regulus smack his hand away from his now messy black hair.

"You'll be fine, plus it'll make holiday break and Hogsmeade weekends even more fun." Sirius stated, slumping against Remus's shoulder in an attempt
to get comfortable.

I nodded, "As if our holidays can get even more fun."

The compartment door slid open as Jolie entered, her long blonde ponytail swinging.

"Guess what I just heard from the girls." Jolie teased as she sat down next to Regulus.

James furrowed his brows, "I don't know, what?"

"Merlin-, is someone pregnant?"

Jolie reached over and jokingly smacked Remus on the arm. "No, no one is pregnant-, at least to my knowledge."

"Are you going to tell us so that I can go the fuck to sleep, I'm exhausted." Sirius mumbled.

James coughed, "I wonder why."

"Fuck off, Prongs." Remus replied, leaning his head on top of Sirius's.

Jolie rolled her eyes, "As I was saying, apparently Lily's older sister got married and her entire family hates him, Mary started dating a muggle boy that she meant in London, and there's a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

We all sat in silence as we tried to comprehend the mass amount of information that Jolie had just spewed out in a single breath.

"Well, her sister's horrid-"

"Apparently that teaching position is cursed-"

"What does Mary know about muggles?"

I sighed, "This will be a hectic year, wait-, does Mary's boyfriend know that she's a witch?"

Jolie shrugged, "Not sure, but I reckon it will be a shock if, or when, she tells him."

"There's always so much goddamn stuff going on," Sirius muttered, "I just want to nap."

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