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As the month of September faded into October, the weather got colder, and the trees gained more color. Everyone had settled into their routines, and it seemed as if everyone had gone back to normal.

"Students, your midterms will be coming up next week, so I recommend that you all pay attention." Professor Flitwick slapped his hand on Padfoot and Moony's table. "Especially you, Mr. Black and Mr. Potter."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Please, I have Remus, there's no way I'll fail."

"That's true," James added, "I have Daphne, she won't let me fail."

I scoffed, "Yes I would."

"Class dismissed."

I grabbed my books from the table and shoved them into my bookbag, eager to get out of this classroom. The three boys gathered their things as well and trailed me out of the classroom.

"We'll catch up with you later." James mumbled.

I turned around just in time for James to grab my hand and drag me down the corridor.

"What the fuck-"

"Just be quiet please."

James pulled me down the busy corridor, turned into an abandoned corridor, and opened a door dragging me after him.

He slammed the door behind us, and I looked around at my surroundings as my eyes attempted to adjust to the dark.

"Why are we in a broom closet?" I asked, annoyance filling my voice. "I want to go to lunch."

"Daph-, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important-"

"What, James?"

I could still clearly see the hazel of James's eyes in the dark. They were filled with worry and frustration.

"Can you please help me study? I'm worried that I will actually fail."

I smirked, "Is that it?"

James looked back at me in disbelief.

"If you needed help studying, you should've just asked. I thought charms was your favorite class?"

James sighed and I could practically feel his breath on my cheek. "It is, but I've been too busy with my quidditch captain duties that I forgot to study and I haven't been getting enough sleep."

"I would be more than happy to help you, only if you go out there and win for Gryffindor on Saturday."

James grinned back at me, "Oh we are going to kick Hufflepuff's arse."

I leaned in a kissed James cheek, "You better."

His face turned pink as he opened the broom closet and stepped out. Not watching where he was going, James ran directly into Sirius.

"What are you doing here?" James yelled.

Sirius pushed James off of him, "What are you doing here?"

"I asked first!"

Remus was standing against the corridor, smirking to himself.


"No, just Padfoot." Moony assured.

"Fine-, I wanted to know what you both were up to. So I used our map to follow you. Why the fuck were you in a broom closet?"

Sirius narrowed his eyes and looked at me. "Why is he blushing, Vixen? What did you do?"

"I-, I didn't do anything! We were talking."

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