fifty six

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Early October, 1980

It had taken two months, but Henry and Beatrice finally found the time to make plans to come over and meet their nephew.

Having finished their schooling at Hogwarts, their schedules were much more free, but Beatrice's internship at the Ministry, and Henry's new job in the Department of Mysteries took up a lot of his time. He's an Unspeakable, so he can't say much about anything work-related.

Even though James and I have been living here since we got out of school, over two years ago, this was the first time that any of my family came over to visit.

It was pretty quiet at first, a bit too silent for my liking, but it quickly picked up when we started talking about work.

Henry couldn't say much, but Bea rambled on about her job.

"I don't even care that I'm not getting paid," Beatrice stated, "I just like working for the Ministry. It's a gossip mill. I've found out so much dirt."

James chuckled, "It sure is, especially the Daily Prophet. I can't count the number of times that Rita Skeeter's written about us."

"That's true," I add, thinking back to the number of times that my name made the front page of the Daily Prophet claiming some sort of false information.

There was the time that the headline claimed Sirius and I were dating solely because of money.


The time that James and my relationship was announced.


And then there was the time that Rita decided to write an article about Julian when he was less than a week old.


Rita Skeeter is one sly bitch.

"Yeah, Rita's a bitch, but she sure knows how to get the dirt on people," Henry chimed in.

He was picking at his nails as he talked. He'd been fidgety and on edge since he got here.

I assumed it had something to do with Lucille.

A timer went off in the kitchen and James got up to go check it.

"That means dinner's ready," James said from the doorway, "You can come get settled in now."

I stood up and carefully got Julian out of his bassinet in the living room.

He was fast asleep and I was trying my best not to wake him, but I also needed someone to carry the bassinet into the dining room.

Without asking, Henry picked up the bassinet with one hand and started into the dining room.

"Don't worry, I got it."

Henry went through the door to the dining room, leaving Bea and me in the living room.

"How is he doing?" I asked quietly, "He seems anxious."

Beatrice shrugged, "I think he's doing okay, he just spends too much time reading the news."

I nodded in response, walking into the dining room with Beatrice following behind me.

James was busy putting the food into dishes, and Henry was setting the bassinet down near the dining table.

"Thanks, Henry," I smiled.

Beatrice walked over to the kitchen island and looked at the food James was just finishing plating.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Beatrice asked.

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