fifty three

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December 31st, 1979
Beaufort Estate, Paris, France

The month of December was passing quickly. By now, all of our close friends know about the Potter baby that's on the way. We made an announcement at the Order meeting last week, and a six month pregnant Molly Weasley was over the moon for us.

About a week after telling the rest of our friends: Lily, Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, Alice, and Frank, Alice and Frank broke the news that they were also expecting, but Alice was due about a week and a half before me.

It was nice having a friend who was also pregnant. We drank juice and fizzy drinks and complained about how annoying morning sickness is while everyone else was drinking at parties.

The loss of Euphemia and Fleamont felt fresh because of the holidays, and Christmas brought our memories of my fathers death, so we decided to spend two weeks in Paris hoping to avoid any painful memories.

Of course, where James goes, Sirius goes.

Which is why Sirius, Remus, Jolie, and Regulus spent the holidays with us in Paris.

None of us, except for Jolie, really had families anymore, let alone parents.

I was about three fourths of the way through my trimester, a was just barely starting to show. If anything I look bloated, not pregnant.

"I can't believe that this is the last day of the 70s," Sirius complained, "This was my decade!"

James furrowed his brows, "You can't call dibs on an entire decade."

"Uh, yes I can."

Regulus laughed, "The better part of the 70s kicked my arse."

"Damn right," Sirius muttered.

Remus, who was holding a purring Romeo in his arms, spoke, "I'm just pissed that I have to start the 80s out with a full moon tomorrow."

"Sorry that I can't go, Moony." I added.

"Don't be," Remus shrugged, "You're pregnant and none of us are going to let you get yourself into any danger."

I grinned at Remus.

Sirius, completely oblivious to everyone else's conversations, pulled on Romeo's tail, making the cat hiss at him. Sirius frowned, "How would you feel if I barked at you?"

"Bloody idiot," Jolie uttered, "How would you feel if someone pulled your tail?"

James' face lit up, "I did that once and he nipped me."

"You are all idiots," Regulus confirmed.

I laughed softly, "I have to agree, you're like the Three Stooges sometimes."

"Thank you?" Remus teased, continuing to cradle James and I'd cat like a baby.

Regulus took a sip of his bourbon, "So what you're saying is that I'm the only intelligent one here?"

"Reggie, darling, let's not start something that you can't finish." Jolie replied, patting her boyfriend on the cheek.

Sirius laughed, "Haha, burn!"

"Same thing goes for you, Sirius."

"That's bullshit," Sirius denied.

I looked over at the clock and read the time. 11:59 pm.

"Oh stop arguing," I demanded, "It's almost midnight."

We counted down from ten, until the clock struck midnight, bringing an end to the 70s.

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