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The four of us stumbled out of the club at three in the morning. Sirius was on the verge of blacking out, his arm over Remus's shoulders. James was extremely hyper and kept twirling me as we stumbled down the street. As for me, the alcohol had overtaken my senses and I felt everything.

I was in pure bliss and we stumbled to the Floo down the block, despite the fact that my feet were killing me and that I was exhausted.

We were all laughing as we took turns using the Floo Network to get home.

I went first, followed by James, followed by Remus and Sirius because the latter was completely incoherent from the mass amounts of firewhiskey.

"Don't drink any more tonight," Remus announced as he dragged Sirius up the stairs, "Don't do anything stupid!"

Sirius, who was on the brink of passing out, saluted us as the two boys disappeared up the stairs.

I stumbled over to the record player and sifted through the vinyls until I settled on the one I was looking for.

Let's Get it On, by Marvin Gaye.

The record was static as the vinyl spun and the music started.

James was stumbling around the living room dancing by himself to no music.

I've been really tryin', baby

Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long

His head shot up as the music echoed through the foyer and he smiled.

"Dance with me, darling."

I crossed the room and wrapped my arms around James' neck. He wrapped his arms around my body as we swayed to the music.

And if you feel like I feel, baby

Then, c'mon, oh, c'mon, whoa

James tilted my jaw up, stroking his thumb across my cheek while his other hand was pressed against the small of my back.

His lips met mine, and even in my state of intoxication, it still felt right. It felt like he was the only person for me, and I was the only person for him.

I would kiss him for the rest of my life if I could.

My lips parted against his, and our tongues danced together with the firewhiskey.

James pulled away from the kiss, caressing my face. I allowed myself to melt at his touch, leaning my head against his warm hand.

"I wish we didn't have to go back to Hogwarts." James whispered.

My eyes fluttered, meeting his hazel ones. "I wish we could stay here forever."

James smiled softly, "Maybe we can-, once we're done with school. I like Paris."

"Us? Like just us?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, ideally."

I kissed him again until both of us were breathless and smiling.

James twirled me to the music before pulling me back into his arms.

We danced until the music stopped, static emitting as the vinyl spun around and around. I was about to go flip it to Side B, but James pulled me back.

"Come on, love, let's get you to bed."

I rolled my eyes; I would stay up all night dancing and talking with James, but I complied and let his lead me upstairs to our bedroom.

After stumbling up the stairs, trying to be quiet, James and I flung open the door to our bedroom while laughing our arses off for no particular reason.

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