thirty three

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"We're going on a date tonight."

I looked up from my book, "Huh?"

James grabbed my book, Little Women, from my hand and marked my page before setting it down on the table. He sat down next to me on the couch and laid his head in my lap.

"I, James Fleamont Potter, am taking you, Daphne Jane Beaufort, on a date tonight."

I ran my hand through his hair absentmindedly, "Okay, love. What do you have in mind?"

James looked up at me from my lap, "I can't give away all of my surprises."

"Oh? So there's more than one surprise tonight?"

James sighed, "That's not-, that's not what I meant, but I guess you could say that."

"I swear to Merlin if you propose-"

"I'm not going to propose!" James laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Not yet, at least. It has to be special, and I want us to be finished with school."

I nodded in agreement, "Sounds like a plan."

"Ask you in a year?"

"Ask me in a year." I echoed back.

James threw up his fists in excitement, "Fuck yes!"

"What time should I be ready for our date?"

"Seven?" James asked as he paced across the living room.

I laughed, "I'll be ready at seven."

James sat down next to me on the couch, wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he kissed me on the cheek.

We had been outside for most of the day, and now that it was four in the afternoon, I had enough sun for the day. So, I was sitting on the couch in my dry bikini reading.

Remus had been sitting with me for a bit but went upstairs to take a nap. The full moon was in less than a week and it was making him a bit sickly, but not too much.

James and Sirius had been having a water fight in the pool. Magic involved. They were attempting to make waves and a 'mini' tsunami as Sirius called it.

"Aw-, look at those two!" James exclaimed as he pointed out through the glass doors.

I followed his eyes and saw Regulus and Jolie outside by the pool.

They were sitting under the umbrella, with Regulus leaned back in a chair as Jolie sat on his lap. They had been laughing about something when Regulus had cut Jolie off with a kiss.

I grinned, "We are the best matchmakers ever, they look so good together."

"Do you think they'll let us be godparents?"

"If they don't, I will slap that bitch."

James smirked, "There kids will be cute."

"Agreed," I replied as I pulled myself into James' lap. "But our kids will be cuter."

James quickly looked me up and down, "Okay, you can't say things like that when you're sitting on my lap, practically naked in the tiny bikini-"

son amour - j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now