thirty seven

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June 24th, 1978

Last days are melancholic. They always have been, and the chances are, they always will be. Normally I would incredibly sad that my days at Hogwarts are over as I packed up my trunk for the final train ride on the Hogwarts Express tomorrow morning, but I'm not sad.

I'm excited.

My fellow Marauders and I, along with Regulus, are going to the Potter's as soon as we reach London. James and I are going house/apartment hunting this summer, as are Remus and Sirius. Jolie and Regulus have a few trips planned for the summer.

It's melancholic.

We're all going our separate ways after being inseparable for the past seven years.

Alice and Frank are getting married in August, Lily and Marlene are moving in together, Mary's applying for a job at the Ministry, and Dorcas is starting healer training at the beginning of September. Everything is finally working out.

Well, almost everything.

It seems as if every day there's a headline in the Daily Prophet about another muggle-born being found dead in their homes. Sometimes it's not just muggle-borns, but an entire family of muggles.

By the end of the summer, all of our plans could be ruined. Instead of getting an internship at the Ministry, I could be fighting Death Eaters.

The door began to creak open, and my eyes shot towards the doorway.

Lily smiled at me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's alright, I've been a bit on edge recently." I replied as I packed my Gryffindor banner into my trunk.

"Me too," Lily sighed, "It feels weird that we're leaving Hogwarts. We've been so sheltered."

I closed the lid of my trunk and latched it, "We really have, part of me is excited, but the other part of me never wants to leave."

Lily nodded, "Has he proposed?"

"Not yet, we've always talked about getting married this December, but no ring yet." I sighed, holding up my ring-less hand for her to see.

"He will."

I smiled, "He will. How are you and Marlene?"

Lily grinned, "Really good, my parents really like her, and I think her parents like me."

"I'm happy for you."

Lily stood up from her bed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm happy for you and James, and I can't wait to go to your wedding."

I smiled softly at Lily as we parted from the hug. "I can't wait to go to you and Marlene's wedding, and Remus and Sirius's. However long it takes, I'll be there."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Lily replied with her classic Lily Evans smile.

There was a knock on the door, followed by the door creaking open slightly. James peaked his head through the doorframe with his hands covering his eyes, "Can I come in?"

Lily and I both laughed.

"Yes, come on in." Lily replied.

James grinned and stepped inside our dormitory, flinging himself onto my bed.

He looked around the dormitory as he laid back on my bed. "Your dorm is so empty, we've barely started packing."

I shook my head, "Well, we'll be lucky if you and Sirius manage to actually make it to the train on time tomorrow."

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