C.B-Frontotemporal Dementia

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**this story is written by Zaasie and it is all in third person**

"Get away from me!" Screamed Corbyn, terrified out of his mind.

He was fighting Jonah, to get away from him, and from him, his murderer.

"He's not a murderer Corbyn, he's just a kid." Jonah tried to explain, but Corbyn was having none of it.

"Look at him standing there. Just look at him. Can't you see he's trying to kill me!" Corbyn couldn't believe that his friends weren't believing him.

He looked over to where Zach stood frozen, watching him freak out. Zach has got red, tear-filled eyes, letting them fall as he listens to Corbyn accusing him of trying to kill him.

Behind him are Jack and Daniel, watching the scene unfold in front of them.

This isn't Corbyn talking. They all know it. It's the disease talking. They can't blame him for saying these things. It's not like it hasn't happened before. Zach knows Corbyn can't help it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him.

It pains Zach to hear him say this about him. That he's a murderer when he's trying his hardest every day to make everyone feel better about themselves. No matter how hurt or tired or whatever Zach is, he'll always help you make you feel better if you feel down.

Corbyn is still fighting against Jonah's hold, but Jonah is stronger than Corbyn is because of all his trips to the gym. He's never been more thankful for his strength.

"Corbs, listen to me. He's not trying to kill you. You're at home, with your best friends. You're safe. No one's trying to..." Corbyn interrupts him. "LIES!! ALL LIES! Would you look at him, please?!" Corbyn's begging him now and it now shows everyone how truly afraid Corbyn is right now of Zach.

Zach feels a tug on his sleeve, but stood still. Jack tried to get him out of Corbyn's sight in the hope Daniel and Jonah can manage to calm him down. He's obviously not going to calm down while Zach is in his eyesight.

Jack lies his hand on Zach's shoulder and guides the crying boy out of the room.

"Don't take it to heart. He doesn't mean it. You know that." Jack tried to soothe the blonde boy.

"I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when he says stuff like this." Zach tells him.

Jack doesn't know what else to say other than a quiet "I know" and engulfs Zach in a big bear hug. He wants to stay like this forever, to be able to protect his friend from all the pain and hurt thrown towards him. To comfort him to no end.

Out in the hallway, Corbyn is still screaming his best friends' ears off. It helped that Zach wasn't in the hallway anymore, but still Corbyn is very convinced that Zach is out to kill him. Probably taking his time now to come up with a cunning plan to do it.

"I don't care if you don't believe me. He's trying to hurt me." Corbyn cries out.

Jonah uses all this strength to pull Corbyn into his chest in the hope to calm him by hugging him.

As Corbyn is pulled into Jonah's chest, not without a fight, Jonah can feel his heart pounding in his chest. Corbyn is crying his eyes out and finally stops fighting against Jonah's grip. He sinks to the floor, taking Jonah with him and stopping Jonah's ramble of soothing words.

Jonah waits for Corbyn's heartbeat to slow down to a more normal and steady pace. He waits until the boy in his arms takes the first step towards communication. Whether he says something, or asks a question, it doesn't matter. He has to be the one to take the first step. Something to reach out towards one of the two other present boys.

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