J.M- abused.

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no pov

it was normal for the boys to hide things from each other. but they still told each other a lot.

there was a lot they knew about the others but a lot that they didn't know either.

but the things that they didn't know, they didn't know how life threatening and traumatizing they were to one.

especially about Jonah.


ever since Jonah's mom died when Jonah was 17, from lung cancer, his father found different ways to grieve.

he drank; a lot...

when he drank, he turned from a nice loving father to a father who yelled, hit, punch, and kicked.

his own children.

he couldn't control his feelings or actions. 

every time Jonah went home or just saw his family for a day. he will end up in some sort of pain.

bruises, cuts, black eyes, broken bones even. he's had it all.

the boys have no clue. and he doesn't plan on letting them know.


Jonah's pov

me and the boys were packing to go back home for the week. we had a break so it made sense to go back. for the other boys at least.

they were packing for a week of fun; i was packing for a week of pain.

naproxen and makeup. ace bandages and gauze. i packed like a doctor. but it was necessary. 

i don't need any questions from the boys when we come back together on why i have bruises, or why I'm limping.

you may be asking why i don't just stay home. well, my dad is good in the morning, but right when 12 hits he's drinking excessively. the alcohol will change his mood.

i love my dad... sometimes.

and plus, my siblings are there. i cant just not go see them. i also have to check up on them when i can cause of my father. with how he gets i need to make sure they aren't in too much danger. I've been trying to get Esther and svea out of that house so they don't get hurt.

Zebulon moved out years ago so that's one thing, Esther is trying to get a house, svea is only 13 so she has no say in anything. i told Esther to take svea to her house when she finds a place to live. i couldn't bare thinking about something truly bad happening to svea.

that's how i planned it out in my head. but its not the best plan.

i hid the bag of medical supplies under all my clothes and packed my carry on. i had to leave in an hour for the airport. my flight wasn't until four pm but all of boys wanted to waited at our gates with each other.

i was shaking in fear, everything was setting into place. i had to see my father and i couldn't do anything about it.

"Jonah!! cane you come here for a second??" i heard Zach call from the other room. i shook out my nerves and walked to his room.

"what's up, baby?" 

"wanna help me close my suitcase??" he laughed.

"why do you always pack so much? don't you have clothes at home??" he sat on top of the bag.

"not too many actually. i pretty much brought everything here." i zipped up the sides.

"were only going away for a week. do you really need this much stuff?" he hopped down from the suitcase.

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