J.M- migraine + sick

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tour was hectic. that's easy to say.

it will start as something amazing and life changing but progressively grow into something that you cant wait till its over.

don't get them wrong, they love it with all their hearts but, somedays it gets to be too much.

way too much.


Jonah's pov

I don't know why, but things slowed down. i slowed down.

my body felt sluggish and weak. 

i was in the middle of an interview when it really started. i didn't really have the spirit like i usually do. i was tired and just completely unmotivated.

we had one more interview that we had to drive to. once in the car, i leaned against the window and closed my eyes. the rocking of the car wasn't doing me much justice though.

"you good jo?" i heard a voice ask. i opened my eyes and turn around. i only shrugged.

"what's up?" Corbyn asked.

"not sure... not feeling good..." i closed my eyes, leaning back on the headrest.

"you gonna be okay?" i nodded.

"I'm just really tired and kind of weak." i mumbled. 

"take a nap, you might feel better after. we have a while in the car." i nodded, already half asleep.


i woke up with a start when the car pretty much slammed on its breaks.

i already felt worse than before.

i was cold, slightly sniffy, sore throat, and what feels like the start of a headache.

i coughed and sat up in my seat.

"hey jo your okay. sorry you woke up like that. we just pulled up, lets get inside." Daniel helped me out of my seat and walked with his arm over my shoulder, into the building. i took a deep breathe and kept walking with him. 

i really don't feel good.

we waked into the big green room and i walked straight for the big couch, laying down instantly.

"still don't feel good, I'm guessing?" i opened my eyes to see Daniel walking over to me. i shook my head slowly, closing my eyes again. "what's wrong?"

"I'm starting to get a headache. I'm cold and i have a sore throat..." i curled closer into myself.

"shit." he said under his breath. i felt a hand on my forehead and i practically nudged into it.

"you have a slight fever. you gonna be okay?" i nodded and curled further into the couch, already falling back asleep. "ill wake you up for the interview.

i didn't even respond before i was asleep again.


Daniels pov

i grabbed a blanket from a closet in the room and laid it over him.

"don't wake Jonah, he's sick." i announced to the room.

"how?" Corbyn asked.

"headache, sore throat and fever." 

"he's gonna have to do the interview." Jon told me.

"i know, just let him sleep for now though. we will wake him up later." 

"well don't sugar coat anything, we cant be late." he said pointedly.

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