J.M- sick in Hawaii

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*this is a request for @arishft :))*

no pov

the boys were performing in Hawaii and things take a slight turn...

jonah pov

it was all so sudden if I'm being honest.

we were in Honolulu for a show. it was sound check. and everything turned upside down.

we were sitting in the green room for a few before soundcheck just chatting or doing our own thing. 

Zach and jack were playing fortnite (as usual), daniel was messing around on his guitar, Corbyn was on his phone, and i was trying to fall asleep. 

the other boys had no idea. i was nursing a fever, i knew it. i was hot but had the shivers. i grew weak and sore real quickly. 

it all came over me so quickly, i was scared.

"jo, c'mon. we have to go for soundcheck." Corbyn shook my shoulder. i nodded and sat up. dizziness fell over me but i pushed passed it and followed them to the stage. 

i was handed my mic and in-ears before being practically pushed onto stage due to my lagging nature.

i wasn't into the soundcheck at all. i wasn't high energy like the boys. 

i practically was sitting the entire time. i was shaky on my feet and always getting head rushes. the other boys did quick run through of the choreography and i couldn't bring myself to do it.

at one point Corbyn came and sat next to me on my prop.

"why you so quiet?" he smiled slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"I'm not feeling so hot..." i pinch the bridge of my nose.

"whats wrong?" he grew really sympathetic real quick.

"I'm just weak, and i think i have a decent fever..." he laid a hand on my forehead and sighed.

"yea, you do. I'm sorry jo. anything else bothering you?"

"slight headache, I'm cold as hell but sweating." i laugh. "and my stomachs not feeling the best." i admit. it felt sloshy like i just had a beer or two for the first time. (this is how i felt not too long ago...)

"wanna go back to the green room and lay down?"

"kind of..."

"okay, c'mon ill walk ya." he stood me up with a hand on my back. "guys! I'm taking jo back to the green room. hes not feeling good!!" he yelled to the other boys. we walked off stage and down the hall to the room. i pretty much collapsed on the couch with a groan.

"do we have any blankets?" i whimper out.

"ya, just dont tell daniel, its his blanket." i laughed. he threw it over my body and i snuggled into it. "need anything else before i go back?"

"can you turn the lights off for me?"

"of course. have a good nap jo. feel better!!" he walked out, shutting the lights off on his way out. i wiped my face and snuggled down into the couch. after a few minutes of tossing and turning, my body gave up on staying consciousness.


the next time i woke up, i was being shaken awake by Corbyn again. 

"jo, lets get your hair and makeup down. we have 45 minutes till stage time." he said.

i nodded and sat up. i groan as my muscles stretched out uncomfortably. my stomach turned harshly and i leaned forward on my seat clutching my stomach slightly. a large hand ran up and down my back until i regained my posture.

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