Z.H- carsick

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No ones pov

So after much begging, the band has gotten a week off of interviews and studio rehearsals. We have the week to relax. Each member of the band had their own ideas of what they wanted to do for the week to make it interesting. Like Jonah wanted to go to the beach, jack wanted to stay and go skateboarding, Daniel and Corbyn wanted to go to the city , and Zach wanted to to just stay and play video games and relax. Soon after many disagreements, we all agreed on taking a trip to the mountains for a little sightseeing adventure.

Zach's pov

"ok if were gonna do this, i gotta know one thing." i say trying to sound serious. i look to my lap being a little embassarsed to ask this question.

"whats up?" Corbyn responds.

"how long is the ride gonna be?..." my voice gets more shushed as i slowly look up to Corbyn.

"probably about 5 hours maybe, not too long." Corbyn says back to me. i start to get nervous about this whole road trip. i let out a loud sigh as all the others look up to me.

"what's wrong zay? is something wrong?" Daniel added.

"i-i- uh um, i just get carsick and i- i'm nervous for that. i hate being sick..." my voice trails off. they knew i didn't feel well during car trips but it has been getting worse every time i get into a car. its actually been really bad. i felt a warm hand on my shoulder as i look up.

"bud its ok, if you get sick we will deal with it. were going to be ok no matter what happens. were all a team!" he tries to bring my mood up. i put on a smile for them even though deep down inside im still freaking out over the ride.

"ok now go pack, were leaving first thing tomorrow morning!!" Jonah practically yells so it echoes on the walls. we all split and go of to our rooms to pack for out little trip.

i grab my bag and start putting clothes in that are for more colder weather. its is only late april but it is still pretty chilly even for LA. im already losing my energy from the day so after finishing up packing for the trip, i head off to bed. that's what i thought i was going to do once i laid down. but it was the complete opposite. i laid there with thoughts of whats going to happen on the trip rolling through my head for what felt like hours. if i could tell you how many thoughts rolled in and out of my head i would say but there was too many that i would've lost track in the first ten minutes.

thankfully after i tried to block all them out, i fell fast asleep.


i wake up to a soft sound of my alarm. i press snooze to allow myself to sleep longer cause i know im not gonna get any in the car.

it rings three more times until i feel myself being shaken awake.

"bud cmon breakfast is ready. i think you should eat before we leave." i open my eyes and see jack slanding above me. i groan as i sit up getting up out of the bed. i felt too lazy to change out of my sweats and walk down stairs. i sit next to the other boys as they eat their breakfasts.

"morning bud, wants some food?" Jonah calls from inside the kitchen.

"i don't know, i really don't want to get sick in the car today..." i place my chin on my folded arms. my nerves are telling me to cry from how much they are messing with me, but i try my hardest to keep my face tear free. Daniel saw my distress and began comforting me with gentle coos.

"bud its gonna be ok. if you feel sick, you got to let us know and we will help you through it." he pulls me into a hug as a tear glides down my face.

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