J.M- fire.

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we all will have those toxic relationships sometime in our lives. for Jonah his time was now. he fought with his girlfriend, Morgan, over and over again cause she didn't like how he would have to leave for months at a time for work. she kept getting into his mind saying that she should be more important than his work. she didn't like him doing the meet and greets cause she should be the only girl he hugs. it turns out she was just jealous that she couldnt get that treatment on a daily.

Jonah's pov

"what do you mean?!" i yelled into the phone. this was one of many fights that i have had with Morgan in the passed week. it was because of the same thin each time. she didn't like me traveling for months, she didn't like the treatment i gave my fans, her just being jealous. all i did was state facts back at her but she never listened.

"you cant just leave me alone!! why do you even bother leaving with the boys?? i should mean more to you then you so called fans!! I'm your girlfriend and you choose to leave me behind while you go fuck with other girls!!" Morgan yelled back at me. she always told lies, if you cant tell.

"i leave so i can make other people happy! its my fucking job, what do you expect of me??!" i said harshly.

"well ya know, you leaving doesn't make me happy!! how do you feel about that?! im never happy when your gone but you are always having the time of your life!!" she said. she just lied right through her teeth.

"every time i look on your Instagram story your always out at a bar getting drunk or high with friends CLEARLY having the of her life without me!! you have no room to speak here!! if you cant tell whenever i do come home all i want to do is sleep cause i barely get any while on tour!! i get sick constantly on tour cause how fast germs spread!! even through all this pain i try my damn hardest to put on a smile for everyone even though inside i feel like death!! so don't you dare go saying that you not happy without me. i would do anything to be home in bed with someone i love when im sick but i cant! i either get the tour bus or at best a hotel." i went off at her. i was proud of it but i didn't think it would come and bite me in the ass so quickly.

"if that's what you want you know its so easy to just quit the band so you don't have to deal with that stuff. you can stay with me!! but if that's not what you want then you can go find somebody else Jonah cause i cant deal with you now! were through-." she said before the line went dead.

"you have got to be fucking kidding me!!" i screamed. every single time i have had a girlfriend or started talking to a girl, this always how it ends. them leaving me cause they cant deal with my crazy schedule. this is the fifth girl i have lost THIS YEAR. i cant fucking do this anymore. i go crazy, taking anything and everything and chucking it around my room. i took my books, clothes, shoes, and even a lit candle. i chucked it onto my bed and started to cry. i slid down my wall with my head in my hands letting sad sobs escape my mouth. i sat there for what felt like forever when i felt heat. my breathing became raged, and i began to sweat. i looked up to see a large fire going across my bed. it started to go down to my clothes that i had thrown moments before. i was trapped, the fire was starting to block my floor. what i just noticed it was nearing my axe cologne, which could pretty much explode if it comes in contact with the fire.

"GUYS HELP!! PLE-" i try to say but ended up choking from the smoke. what was going to happen to me? the fire is spreading very rapidly and my places to stand or sit without burning myself are getting smaller and smaller.

"GUYSSSSS!!!!" I yelled out hoping one would actually hear me. i whimpered as the heat started to get to me. i curled up into a ball into the corner of my room and cried scared for my future.

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