J.M- sick at school.

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**this is another story where the boys aren't in the band and they go to school all together**

No pov

It wasn't uncommon for one of the boys to come down with the flu or a cold, they all had shitty immune systems. But it didnt usually happen when they were in school. Usually they would figure it out before anything happened, but Jonah was a little clueless today...

Jonahs pov

This morning, when i woke up, i felt sluggish. More than a normal. But i just went on with my morning like nothing. I got dressed and everything then ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

I was just tired, ya that was all.

I waved my mom and sisters goodbye after eating and grabbing my lunch. Eating the small bowl of cereal woke me up a bit more so I guess that was a plus. I got in my car and went to grab all the other dumbass's. With all them in the car, and the louder volume, it got me awake but i almost didnt like it. I felt sensitive to the noise but tried to engage myself to act like everything was normal. It was normal though, i was never a big morning person, but none of us are. The talking in the morning was to wake each other up. It usually worked.

Getting into school we all parted to our separate classes and i got started with my day. Home room was nothing, but my first class; calculus would not end. It went by so slow i almost fell asleep. If it wasn't for the teachers loud and obnoxious voice i would have dozed off.

Who is so lively this early in the morning??

By my second class; AP US history, i slowly felt a headache coming on. This is not my day at all. When i found we weren't doing anything really big today, i felt it was best to just take a quick nap. It wouldn't hurt. I might've just been a little sleep deprived.

It didn't last long; well that's what i thought. I felt myself jolt awake after maybe just second but came back to reality when i heard the bell ring.

I just missed a whole 40 minutes class...

I stood up with a small wince as my head felt worse than it had before i took the nap. The lightheaded ness kicked in for a short moment and i had to regain my balance before actually walking out of my classroom. I felt a small twinge in my stomach and shook it off. It was nothing.

My next class was my ceramics class. I couldn't just sleep through this class sadly. We were in the middle of a bigger project, making a mug. I barely even started mine so i had to do something or else I was going to get in some trouble. I got an apron and my clay and started working slowly through the process. The pinch pot was going to give me a fucking stroke. It wasn't working out the way i wanted to and my hands were slightly which wasn't allowing to get some details into the clay.

I had to get up and walk away from the clay a few time, passing it off as i needed to clean the clumped up clay off my hands. In reality i had to get away from the fumes. The smell was making my head worse and wasn't doing  anything better for my stomach either.

By the time we got to clean up, i was just about finished with the cup part of the mug. All that was left was a few more details and the handle. I felt ready to pass out though. My headache sucked and i was feeling genuinely sick.

Was i actually getting sick or was it just from my headache?

I got a small glob of lotion from my bag (i carry it around for days i have ceramics. The clay makes your hands look like a damn desert) and started walking down to the cafeteria for inch. Thank god i have lunch with the boys, but also kill me. By this time they are all completely awake and very loud. I just wanted to take another nap. I sat down at the table and waited for the other four dimwits to join me.

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