D.S. - sick at school.

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***part three of the school series***

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Sickness spreads quick.
Ya that's it.

Corbyns pov

I was the designated driver to school whilst Jonah and jack were out sick. Even i have my own car, its nice to drive with the four other guys to start off my morning.

I got Zach first and drove off to Daniels house. The second he climbed into the car i wanted to shove him back inside his house.

"Don't tell me your sick too." I said blankly.

"I was up all night studying for a test. I just am tired, I'm fine." He groaned.

"I swear if your sick, im kicking your ass." I said as i drove off to the school. Daniel stayed quiet. We got their early so we spent the short amount of time in the car waiting.

In this short time, i got a better look at him; he was pale and had major eye bags. His cheeks were slightly flushed but his eyes were wide and bright. Something that really shows that he was feel fine. If he were sick, he would be dropping his gaze and his eyes would be half closed.

When we split in the hallways i could only worry for him. I had a bad feeling hes gonna end up sick by the end of the day.


Corbyns pov

I hated lying to the guys but i dont want them to worry. I can take care of myself if i really needed to.

I wasn't lying about studying, i was up all night reviewing like 20 pages of work for this single test. But i did lie about feeling okay. I had a headache and felt pretty feverish if i do say so myself. My stomach wasn't too bad at the moment but that wasn't going to last long.

I made my way to my first class, chemistry, thankfully it was first block and was the class i had the test in. So i could get it done and over with and i could leave during one of my other classes if i needed to. I just hoped that i could remember all the material i needed to know for this stupid test. Why i decided to take physics? I have no clue, but its hard as fuck.

My teacher didn't waste any time, by the time the bell rang and we got all sat down she passed out the tests needed took attendance.

I went over the pages of work like 3 times last night so i am pretty confident ill get at least above a C on this test.

Even through my headache, i got through the test pretty quickly. Slowing down slightly when it came to the math problems and formulas but in the end, i got it done with about 20 minutes left in class. I turned it into my teacher and sat back in my chair with my head leaning down on my desk, blocking out the bright light of the classroom.

I didn't even realize how much time went by before i was jolted awake but the bell ringing through my ears. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom to my next class which was the worst one out of my entire day.


I suck at math in general but my teacher doesn't allow us to use the bathroom, stating that it was too early in the day and we have a long enough passing time between classes. Asshole.

The increasing volume in the hallways made my head pound and churned my stomach ten fold.

I got into the room and sat in my usual seat in the back corner. My eyes felt heavy as my teacher started teach us about shitty imaginary numbers. I felt like shit getting through this class and i didn't know what do really do.

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