Z.H- stitches.

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no pov

there must have been some Deja vu put into the vacation because what Jack said, Zach is next up...

he is right.


Zach's pov

Jonah was home and resting from the hospital now but i cant get what jack said out of my head.

"something has happened to all of us except Zach. he next!!"

what if i am next? what will happen to me? will i be okay?

i had so many questions. I'm just lying awake in bed with nervous thoughts running like wild cats in my mind. i sat up in my bed running my hands through my hair with my breathing picking up a bit. i looked down to my outstretched hands, and even in the dark, i could see how shaky they were. i couldn't help but stand up and go over to Daniels bed, next to mine.

i hesitantly placed my hand on his shoulder and shook him slightly till he stirred from his sleep. he turned and looked at me, still full of sleep.

"zach? what are you doing up?" he asked grabbing his phone and turning on his lamp. "its 3:45 am..." he sat up in his bed and looked me over.

"i just cant sleep. sorry i bothered you, ill go back to my bed." i went to turn around but i felt his hand grasp my arm, making me face him again.

"you already woke me up, its okay. come here." he pulled me onto his bed and i sat with my head on his shoulder. "now tell me why you cant sleep, cause if i know you as well as i think, you rarely ever have problems sleeping."

"it stupid..." i said sadly.

"its not stupid if its keeping you awake. I'm here to help you, now c'mon, whats going on bud?" his hand ran up and down my arm, calming me down.

"what jack said yesterday. how that everyone had something go wrong for them on this trip, like jacks migraine, Corbyn's carsickness, your panic attack, Jonah's heat stroke, what if i am next?? i just cant get that out of my head. like what if i do get hurt??" i said in a panic.

"your not going to get hurt, your just psyching yourself out bud. here lay down in my bed, you can sleep with me tonight." i nodded and slowly got under his bed covers. he got out of the bed and went to mine, grabbing the stuffed lion i had gotten from my family before i went on tour. i laughed but grabbed it from him and pulled it to my chest. he climbs back on his side of the bed and turns off his lamp.

"dani, can w-we... c-cuddle?" i asked shyly.

"of course, come here." i crawled next to him and curled into his side with a content sigh.

"good night dani..."

"good night zachy." 

after that i was fast asleep.


i woke up to a hand running through my hair. i opened my eyes and looked up to see daniel shining his little tooth gap at me. i smiled back in him and buried my head into his chest.

i swear, I'm bi.

"bubba, were going snorkeling today, wanna get ready?" he asked rubbing my back.

"mhmm okay." i sat up with a stretch and got out of the bed. i changed into a tank top quickly with my swim shorts. i was still pretty tired and was doing everything i could to not climb back in bed. my nerves were still on overdrive from last night so i was hesitant to go out today. i sat on the bed and leaned back so i was looking up to the ceiling. just as i did that and was relaxed, daniel walked in.

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