Z.H - high fever.

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no pov.

everyone in the band knows that if you get sick; you're set back in schedule. the boys try and do everything they can to not get sick but sometimes it's inevitable. from the traveling and exposure, their bound to get something. the constant traveling is breaking down their systems which in turn, makes them sick.

they were in Oregon at the beginning of the 8 letters tour driving to their next venue they we performing at.

its a struggle to get passed everything but they manage to do it most of the time.

zachs pov

we all were pretty busy at the moment; show after show, interviews everyday, meet and greets, and still managing to find time to put in studio time. it was awful most of the time.

its the worst time to get sick but the exact time i do get sick.

i woke up with a pounding headache and harsh chills rolling over my body. it was even close to the time we had to be up by. it was only 3:15 am when i had woken up and we didn't have to be up until seven. i knew i wasnt going to be able to fall back asleep if my head felt like it was being pounded with a rubber mallet so i hopped out of my bunk and wandered to the bathroom also finding out that my throat felt like 100 needles jabbing the sensitive skin. i got out the ibuprofen and the thermometer just being curious. i quickly down the pills before popping the thermometer into my ear. once i heard the beep i took it out and sighed as i read it. 102.3 F (39 C) why now?

i placed the thermometer back in the medicine cabinet and leaned on the sick with my head in my hands. im not one who knows what to do when it comes to sickness and i didnt want to wake any of the boys on the bus so i decided to call my mom. the time difference in oregon was two hours behind texas so my mom should be up.

i walked into the living room and found my moms contacts before sitting down on the couch waiting for her to answer.

Z- zach M-myta

M: zach? why are you calling me so early? its like 3 am where you are right?

Z: y-yea... i uh woke up to a bad headache, chills, and a fever... i dont know what to do. the boys are sleeping and i didnt want to wake them but i just dont feel good.

M: aww pumpkin. did you take any medicine? what was your fever at?

Z: i uh took ibuprofen for my headache and my fevers at 102.3 F...

M: if you have any fever reducers; i recommend taking them if your fever is that high. tell the boys in the morning and rest. be careful and keep an eye on that fever. when you were younger, you were prone to have your fevers spike up really quickly.

Z: thanks mom.. i will.

M:your welcome pumpkin. i hope you feel better soon. call me any time and ill pick up.

Z: thanks mom. i love you.

M: love you to zach. bye.

Z: bye

call ended.

after the call ended, he sat on the couch processing everything with his head in his hands. he got up and walked back to the bathroom searching through their stash of medications before finding a bottle of the fever reducers his mom suggested. he swallowed the quickly with a tiny bit of water before grabbing his blanket from his bunk and laying down on the front lounge couch. he curled up into a tiny ball as a chill struck him before falling into a restless sleep.

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