C.B- panic attack.

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okay, were talking only truth.

the boys were put under so much stress because of the constant travelling and making music. they were young and still pretty fragile. pair it with things that make them uncomfortable and things will go downhill quickly. they knew it would happen eventually but not to their blond headed friend.

corbyns pov

all of the boys know im afraid of letting people down and getting embarrassed. like its a really big thing for me.

if i mess up or cant do something for the others i grow incredibly upset and dont know how to deal with everything getting thrown at me. i know im supposed to be the person who is outgoing and goofy but when certain things happen that side of me disappears.

today we have a couple interviews back to back, a meet & greet, soundcheck, and the concert. this crazy schedule is not going to be good for me i can tell. especially because Christina and her friends will be at our show today. its going to force me to do extra hard on keeping everything perfect. i dont know how or even if ill be able to get through today but ill take the challenge.

we had gone through two interviews already and im already on the edge of my seat. we still have two more and soundcheck to do before we can get any sort of break. these last two interviews are live which puts even more pressure on me. on the outside, fans see me as carefree; but they dont see whats going on in my head. 

when we got to the next studio, i walked to the bathroom to clear up my mind. i stood there looking at myself in the mirror for a few minutes before splashing my face and walking down to the room. we were doing a podcast with a lovely sweet lady name jane, but the usual interview time with her is a hour plus time length meaning i could mess up and say something wrong in just that time. to say i was nervous was a understatement; i was terrified. but i couldn't let anyone see that, id be considered weak.

the interview went fine until around 20 minutes before we were dur to finish. we were talking about our tour and how it was going. i was telling them my point of view against it when my voice got caught in my throat and i had a horrible voice crack. fear spread over me as i finished what i was saying. i stayed pretty quiet for the rest of the podcast unless i had a question directed towards me. you could most likely hear the nervousness in my voice still. i was trying to calm myself down but still had my leg bobbing up and down. Jonah, who was sitting next to me, placed his hand on my knee making me stop momentarily and looking up at him.

you okay? he mouthed. i nodded back with a smiled and went back to focusing on the questions. we finished quicker than i thought we would so when the camera cut i let out a shaky breath that i didn't know i was holding and stood up going over to jane to thank her for having us. we walked out of the room and outside back to the van i sat in the middle row. i put in my earbuds and looked out the window at the clouds moving quickly across the sky. 

the sky always seemed to take my mind off the stress. when we had a off day or a break during the day, i would go outside and watch the clouds move by while listening to calming music or just the sounds of nature. at night i will go outside and lay on the grass staring at the starts for hours. its one of my favorite things to do, sometimes i lose track of time. i was watching the stars go across the sky one night and what only felt like at most 45 mins was four hours. what makes it worse is that i went outside at 11 pm so i didn't get back up to the room until 3 am. i got quite a talk from Jon the next day.

looking out at the clouds made time go by pretty quick and soon we were at the last studio. it wasn't nearly as long as the last one but there was still a time space for error. it was a quick 10 minute radio interview which thankfully went as smooth as it could've gone. we got right back into the van and went to the venue to do a quick soundcheck. it was all going perfect, well now it was at least. i walked straight to the green room and plopped down on the couch with a loud sigh. it was a sad or relieving sigh; but emotionless.

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