D.S- unwelcomed...

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**based off true story of my life.**
** this is going to get a bit graphic later on***

no pov

one of the worst things people can have.

it causes pain to the ones who dont even have it.

you dont know someone has it until you mention that crosses topic, things can go downhill very quickly; in a bad way.

daniels pov

yea, im gay.

its been hard to deal with it since the only people I've told has been the boys, not even my parents. the boys excepted me right after i told them, which sent a wave of relief over me.

i haven't had the heart to tell my parents cause i knew they wouldn't except me. from experience i knew it would end bad. at dinner, family dinner, they would talk about LGBTQ+ people in a horrible manor. they would always say its just something todays society was trying to shove down everyone's throats and make them follow in others footsteps. i would just have to sit there and listen to the horrible words that were technically not for me but were directed towards me.

as more news came out about the supposable 'conversion camps', the discriminations against everyone, all the protests, people saying theses feelings are 'risks', gave my parents even more of a conversation to have during dinner, and for me to listen to while secretly wanting to cry. 

but that's only when im at home, im on tour with the boys right now. i didn't have to deal with their harsh words, but i did while on stage. people started rumors about how since i haven't had a girlfriend while in the band, i must be gay. those rumors spread quickly too. i mean their not wrong, but i cant tell them their right, that will just bring even more hate to me. if i could i would tell the fans but management wont let me. 

so, going along with being gay and whatever. instead of wanting to show my parents my girlfriend that i brought over for dinner, i want to show them my boyfriend. yes, i have a boyfriend. his name is Elijah, we met back in LA while in a café. i know its cheesy but we started up a conversation and exchanged numbers. no joke about a week later, he asked me on a date which i couldn't say no to. its been over 5.5 month since we started dating. the boys know cause i know that they'll be happy for me. i still have yet to tell my parents. about Elijah and just being gay in general. I'm just scared, for their reaction that is. 

today me and Elijah were going to go out for the day and hang out while we had the time cause he had to go some trial back in Kansas for a week or two because his mother is trying to fight for full custody over him and his brother after a harsh divorce. him and his brother quickly agreed they didn't want his father in their lives anymore cause he had the audacity to abuse their mother and almost hurt eli. they were both old enough to not have their parents pay for child support anymore so it didn't matter much anymore.

we had gone to the movies to see 'the goldfinch', went and grabbed McDonalds for lunch but brought it to a park to have a picnic, took a long nature walk. overall just spent the day together, not leaving each other unless we had to pee. we had gone back to my apartment for the rest of the day and just laid in bed, listening to slight music, as we talked and cuddled. but that didnt last long, we both fell asleep in the matter of an hour while talking. we had gone to bed a bit earlier, by a bit earlier i mean a lot earlier (we fell asleep for the night at 6 pm), so we would be able to have the energy to get up early. 

i had woken Elijah up at 3:30 am cause he had to catch his flight back home. he got his stuff packed up before we headed out. he lives with me in my apartment at this point. he moved out here for college but stayed here after he gradated cause of how much he liked it. when we arrived at the airport, he went through security and such before we settled down waiting for his plane.

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