Z.H- allergic reaction

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No pov.

during the 8 letters tour, the boys had taken advantage of there one morning that they didn't have to wake up early for. so with that they all tried to go to bed early. Jonah fell asleep at 9:45, Corbyn at 10:00, jack and Daniel at 10:30, but Zach wasn't able to get the full night sleep. he had fallen asleep at midnight cause of to many thoughts in his mind. he didn't want to wake anyone of the boys cause this was their one chance to get some decent sleep so he dealt with it by himself. yes he did manage to fall asleep without the other boys but he wish he had been more comforted by them.


the next day, the all met up downstairs at the buffet for breakfast. they took their time and had a nice morning together. that was until Zach started to itch his arms, constantly. they were turning bright red and on the brink of bleeding.

jonahs pov.

so were all at the buffet having a nice conversation when i  notice Zach cut himself out of it and began to go quiet. i look him over and see his arms are bright red and slightly bleeding. he was sitting with his head propped up in his hand. his cheeks had become more red and now spotchy. i really hope this isn't what i think it is.

"hey, you ok bub?" i say throwing my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer to me.

"yea um i don't know really." his voice was hushed and sounded painful. "I'm really itchy for some reason." he tried his hardest to speak up but ended up coughing harshly. i look down at his arms again as they were now just as splotchy as his face, maybe even more. he goes to itch them again when i grab his wrists and pull them down to his sides.

"zach, are you allergic to anything?"

"if i was allergic to something i would've told you when we first met." shit. he might be allergic to something without knowing it then. i start to tear apart my bag looking for a Benadryl. when my hand grasps around the small bottle i take it out and place two small pills into zachs hand.

"swallow these it will help. i think  your having a reaction to something in the food. stay calm with these it will slow the reaction. you'll be ok." i earn a quick nod  before he downed the two pill with some water. i pull him closer to me again to keep him calm.

"what happened jonah? why did he need those pills?" jack had seen the condition of the youngest leaning into my chest who i could feel start to hyperventilate.

"he was having a reaction to something in the food. he'll be ok though. ain't that right zach?" i look down to him as i can see his eyes turn glossy. "zach you ok bub?" he shakes his head and shoves his face into my chest as he starts to cry. his breathing is sporatic and the crying isnt making it any better. "hey hey its ok whats wrong bub?"

"i-i-im sc-scared j-jo." i pull him closer as the other boys stare.

"lets go upstairs bub. we gotta calm you down. we dont want you getting sick." i earn a sniffle and a nod. i help him stand up and bring him towards the elevators. halfway there he grabs his stomach and leans into my touch again. "how you holding up bub?" he shakes his head as the door opens. i knew how much discomfort he was in so i lifted him off his feet and walked him the rest of the way into the room.

"jojo...my tummy hurts." he mustve been feeling like utter garbage cause he is never this clingy with anybody.

"do you feel like your gonna be sick?" he nods quickly. i bring him into the bathroom and set him down in my lap, continuing to calm him down as tears run their way down his face still. i hear the hotel room door open and close which revealed a concerned corbyn.

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