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he didn't know. it was just part of his personality, well that's what he thought.

he always was talked to after class because of his behavior.
he never could sit still.
he never could remember important things.
he always had trouble learning.
he always the talkative one of the bunch.

it was always just who he was.

he never knew it had a name...


the boys were just sitting in the green room of James Corden's, late late show. (i know they didn't do an interview with him, but just go with it.)

Corbyn was on his laptop, playing some games. daniel was scrolling through social media. jonah was reading one of his harry potter book. jack was on his phone too while Zach was playing with his hair. 

he didn't mind it; it felt nice actually. Zach was lost in thought while doing his hair, putting two braids on the sides. he learned from doing his little sisters hair.

"how much longer till we go on??" Zach blurted out after finishing jacks braids.

"30 minutes. you asked that 10 minutes ago." jonah said not looking up from his book.

"well there's nothing to do..." he flopped backwards on the couch with a groan.

"you could get that homework done like uncle James said." Corbyn joked earning a glare from the youngest.

"dont wanna..." he whined.

"looks like your shit out of luck then." daniel butted in.

"cant we go for a walk?" 

"no cause i know, your going to go run off and get lost. were on in less than 30 minutes. chill out, your not going anywhere." jonah dropped his book in frustration.

"that's not true!!" Zach sat up in anger.

"yes it is Zach." jack said this time around.

Zach stood up and walked to the bathroom in anger. the boys shrugged it off as they went through this every couple days. they went back to what they were doing to let Zach cool down before they went in for the interview.

meanwhile, Zach was close to crying. he had many sides; this is the side he hated the most. he lost his temper really quickly and was moody all the time. he doesn't mean to lash put but he cant help it. his nerves where so high, he was scared to go on live TV. 

he sank to the floor. his hands knitted together and his knee bounced as he attempted to calm himself down. his breath was shaky and his eyes glossed over.

he slowly pulls his phone and airpods out of his pocket. he played his favorite song on repeat.

Budapest by George Ezra. 

it was the only thing that was able to calm his nerves. his mom played it for him while he would get frustrated doing his homework. it worked miracles for him.

he may have been calm but he wouldn't sit still. he tapped his finger against one another in a pattern to focus on something else that wasn't his nerves.

he quietly sang to himself bringing back the memories of his family. this song meant a lot to his family. it was their favorite.

15 minutes passed and the boys could faintly hear Zach singing sadly. daniel stood up and walked over to the bathroom door. he knocked lightly  and opened the door. he saw Zach sitting on the floor with his eyes closed as he practically mumbled the words to the song. 

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