all the boys- sick.

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** I'm trying something a little bit different. let me knw if you like this type of story!!**

no pov

the boys just got back from a meet and greet. they were a bit up tight cause there was said to be a flu 'outbreak' in the venue. three girls had gotten sick waiting in line and one had to run off after her picture.

the boys knew it was almost impossible for them to not get sick.

don't get them wrong, they love tour but when it comes to the constant traveling and the weakening immune systems; they truly hate it.

so being exposed to a virus is like trying to avoid getting tagged by Usain bolt.


all the boys were sick. 

it started with Zach. he complained that his stomach was hurting before a concert. they pushed it off as some nerves but that was proved wrong when he ran off stage to get sick in a nearby bin.

next was jack. he caught it from Zach after he stayed the night with him. he didnt get the same strain of the flu that Zach had but had it just as bad. high fever and hallucinations. 

Daniel was the next to catch it. he didn't get it until a day after jack got sick. it started off with a slight headache and a fever. by the next day it was a full on migraine and high fever.

Corbyn caught it the same day as Daniel. he had the same stomach flu that Zach had. it wasn't pretty at all.

Jonah was running around the house. looking after and taking care of all the boys. he didn't take time to take care of himself though. he had a fever, stuffed nose, sore throat, and a barely there stomachache. he was pale as paper and shivering. barely having the energy to take care of himself, but he still pushed through.

it was a mess.


Jonah's pov

"Jonah!! Corbyn is throwing up again!!" Zach called out from the other room. i was finishing up with jack. his fever was rising again so i placed ice bags on him before running back to the other room.

Corbyn was sat over the bin throwing up again. zach was tucked under the duvet, covering his ears trying to block the sound out. 

"jo..." Corbyn breathed out before retching again, bringing up another round of sick into the bucket.

"i know corbs. let it out, you can sleep again after." he spit up a thin stream of bile before sitting straight up with a cough. he spit once then wiped his mouth. "lay down, try to go back to sleep." i ran my hand over his arm as he slipped back to sleep.

"Zach, he's done. your all clear now." i rubbed his side and pulled the blanket down from his face. i was surprised to see him fast asleep. i walked out of the room and sunk to the ground just outside their room.

none of the boys really knew that i was sick. i just had a sore throat and the sniffles, but all my energy was slowly dissipating. i usually was able to stomach puke, but now that i was starting to get sick, it started making me queasy. 

i walked back to the room Daniel and jack were in and found them both asleep as well. i sighed in relief and went to lay in my own bed.

the tissue box next to my bed was slowly but surely getting emptied. it wouldn't last me another day or so.

i took the bottle of pills off the bed side table and swallowed them down with a sip of water. ibuprofen is my best friend right now.

i put in my headphones and listened to calming music. relaxing and waiting for the time that the boys will call for me again. 

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