D.S- sick with brothers.

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Daniel was sitting in his room, in obvious discomfort. He wasn't feeling his best today and he knew he was coming down with something.

He was sitting in the rented house that he was sharing with Christian and Tyler. They went on a ski trip to Colorado and they had only just got there 3 days ago. Jonah and Corbyn were going to come but they decided against it. Both wanting to spend time with friends or family. He had stayed in from snowboarding today due to a lack of energy. He truly wasn't feeling good but the to other Seavey brothers didnt realize there was something wrong with him until they got back from that days fun on the mountain.

He was curled in his bed with a headache and slight stomach pains.

One thing to know about him. He is usually a very independent person, he likes to things by himself cause he feels like he has control. But when he gets sick, he breaks down. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He wants support cause his mind is already on overdrive while being sick.

That's where his brothers come into play.


Daniels POV

"Tyler?!!" I yelled as Loud as i could without making my head feeling like it was hemorrhaging. He walked into my room and leaned against the doorway.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I really don't feel good..." he scrunched his eyebrows and walked to my bed.

"What doesn't feel good?" He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Ugh, i have a sinus headache and my stomach is starting to hurt. And my nose is clogged and my throat hurts... i- I'm a mess and don't know what to do..." i whimpered. He pressed his hand to my forehead and sighed.

"I think you have a fever. Do you feel 'sick' yet or does it just hurt?" He asked slowly and quietly.

"Jus' hurts..." i closed my eyes.

"Ill go grab you some medicine. And how about we turn these big lights off and only have the lamp, it will help your head." I gave him a thumbs up and watched as he walked out of my room before pressing my fingers into the bridge of my nose.  He came back minutes later with a glass of water and Christian in tow.

"Take these Dani.." he handed me the glass and a few pills.

"Heard you aren't feeling too good kid..." i slowly nodded back to him. "Do you want to go back home? We don't have to stay here if you don't feel good."

"No. I got really carsick on the way here and i know its going to be 50x worse if we leave while I'm like this. We can stay till I'm better, I don't want to ruin a 2 week vacation for both of you..." i whispered loud enough for them to hear.

"Okay. Okay, just relax for now. Do you need anything?" Christian asked me.

"Can one of you stay with me? Please?" I whimpered looking between the two to see their reactions.

"Ill stay, but you better go to sleep if i do." Tyler laughed as he sat on the opposite side of the bed. I nodded back to him and laid back against my pillows, getting somewhat comfortable before letting myself drift to sleep.


Tylers POV

Right as Daniel fell asleep, i texted Christian to bring a bucket into the room and some more medicines. Along with a thermometer if we had one with us.

He walked into the room with the bucket and other supplies in hand, placing them next to the bed and leaving the room with a smile. I kept a close eye on Daniel whilst he slept.

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