Z.H- diabetes

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No pov

It wasn't a secret to the band that Zach had type 1 diabetes. It wasn't a secret he could keep; with the constant checking his blood sugar, taking insulin, having omnipod insulin pumps, eating very specific foods, waking up to check his blood sugar. It was impossible to keep a secret.

The other boys were really accepting of his situation though. They didnt bombard him with questions but gave him the help when he needed the help. He had his fair share of highs and lows. A select few being pretty serious, but hes gotten through the all.


Zach's pov

Last night was practically hell for me. I didnt sleep well at all, being up and down all night with a headache and having to piss every hour. It was obvious it was not going to be a good day.

When corbyn came into my room to get me up for the day, i instantly just curled under my duvet waiting for him to leave me alone. He pulled my duvet off and i let out a small whine in protest.

"Zach we have to get ready. You slept past your alarm and are going to be late. We have a bunch of interviews today." I rolled over and showed him sad puppy eyes. His face filled with sympathy for a second.

"Corbyn... can you ask if i can skip today? I don't feel good at all..." i sat up slowly.

"Whats going on?" He said to me as he grabbed my CGM from my night stand and helped me test my sugar levels. He was always the one who did it. The others either didnt know how to do it properly, knows how to do it but can't prick my finger for their life, or are squeamish to the sight of blood (*ahem* daniel!!).

"It's a bit high. Not by much but it does explain why your feeling bad."

"What was it at?"

"180. I don't really know why. You haven't eaten in a while. So why would it be high?"

"I was low last night. I ate some skittles and a juice box. It must've been too much." I sigh and lean back against my pillows.

"I'm guessing last night was pretty bad?" I nodded. "Maybe you have to change your omnipod?"

"I just changed it three days ago." I groan.

"Could be a bad pod. It's just making your levels go haywire. Best to change it so you don't have to go see medical. I will help ya, we still have just about 2 hours before the first interview. Gives you time to change your clothes and pod and eat. You'll be okay." I nodded and tried to sit up again.

Corbyn left so i could change quickly and came back in to help me with my pod. This is definitely not how i wanted to spend my morning but with diabetes you can't pick and choose.

"Should i give you a shot of insulin first? Or would you rather wait?"

"Wait, I'm okay. Once my pod is changed it will fix my levels." He nodded and got out all my supplies i needed for my pod change.

"Where do you want it to go this time?" I laid back on my bed and lifted my shirt for him to get the memo. He took my arm first and gently peeled off my old pod, which was slightly painful cause i stupidly put it in a sight where there was a lot of hair. " well that's why it wasn't working. The damn thing was leaking." I groaned in realization and let him clean up my arm. When he moved on to my stomach i was close to just letting myself drift off but then he let the needle go into my skin and it made me shoot awake.

"Shoot, sorry man." Corbyn apologized and he finished up with the change.

"Nah, its not your fault. That just hurt a lot more than usual." He grabbed my arms and sat me up, pulling me straight into into a hug.

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