C.B- hiding it.

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no pov

to say the boys were busy is an understatement. the packed their day sup from 7 am to 11 at night with something.

they had to work no matter what, it wasn't a "ill call in sick" or "ill take the day" off situation. they provided entertainment for their fans. taking a day off meant, upset fans.

Corbyn will do anything to make them happy.

he cares about them more then himself sometimes...


Corbyn's pov

the night sucked. 

i was up half the night tossing and turning in my bunk. my stomach was cramping, i head a pulsing headache, and every ten minutes my body switched from warm to cold.

i thought about waking up jonah to let him know but then all the attention would be on me tomorrow. our schedule would be pushed back and i knew we didn't have the time for breaks at the moment. we were in the midst of a big tour in Europe and everything would go hectic if we had to reschedule anything.

i hopped out of my bunk and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. plan was to have the water calm down my stomach and lessen my headache so i could get some better sleep.

i took slow sips of the water whilst i sat on the couch. the water sat awkwardly in my stomach but i couldn't do anything about it. 

we had a double story bus this time around. i went to the top level and sat by the front window. it was calming. the stars stared back at me as i passed by them; distracting me from the pains in my head and stomach. 

the moon shining bright with the stars twinkling around it; nothing is more soothing. my stomach seemed to settle a bit so i trekked my way back to bed. the second my curtain was closed and my covers were over my body, i was in dream world again.


i woke up to the sound of rustling around the bunk room. i rolled over and closed my eyes, planning to fall back asleep. 

my curtain opened and a gentle hand ran over my back.

"corbs, time to wake up." i heard Jonah's voice ring through my bunk. i rolled over with my eyes still closed and sat up in my bunk. "you okay corbs? you dont usually have a struggle waking up in the mornings."

i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at him, "didn't sleep well..." 

i figured if they thought i was just tired i would be okay for the day, so they didn't find out about how i really felt. we had a driving day tomorrow so if i can just get through the day, ill maybe tell them tomorrow.

"I'm sorry... c'mon we have to be ready in 30 minutes." i hopped out of my bunk and walked to the bathroom with my clothes in hand. 

i looked at my reflection and stood in shock. 

i was pale and red eyed. i looked ready to drop; makeup should fix that. i got dressed as quick as my body allowed myself to do and walked to the living room.

now that i started to wake up slowly, i began to realize everything that felt wrong last night was still present; worse even.

i kept quiet though. I'm not going to hold up the tour just for a stomach ache and a little ache in my head. i could push through, I'm not a baby.

i grabbed a glass of water and sat on the couch next to Zach. i slowly sipped on the water, not wanting upset my stomach any more.

"Corbyn i know its early, but you got to stay awake." i heard Jon say. a hand was placed on my shoulder making me open my eyes. i realized i fell asleep on the couch, drink still in my hand.

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