J.A- panic attack

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Lately jacks anxiety has been through the roof. He will always get scared before shows and as they started to get bigger and bigger, so will his anxiety. He's come pretty close to a panic attack many times but not as close as this time. Cause this time he actually had one...

Jacks pov

We were right about to go out for soundcheck for our show in Madison square garden. This show is our biggest show of this leg of tour. Of course I'm nervous, who wouldn't be? There's gonna be a lot of people, a lot of room for error, and a lot of room for embarrassment. yes, as i begin to perform it goes away but before I'm a train wreck.

that's kind of where I'm at now. but seriously, Madison square garden. 20,000 people. i can get a voice crack and 20,000 people could have it on video and spread it over the web and my career could be ruined. well probably not but i don't want my mistakes to be one the internet.

I'm just working myself up for this. i always tell myself that but something bad will happen, something almost always goes wrong. like one day Zach fell off stage and dislocated his knee, Daniel had a really bad voice crack, Jonah's pants ripped, Corbyn was attacked by bugs, and i was still waiting for my time to come. im still waiting for my embarrassment.

i must've zoned out cause the next thing i knew i jumped out of my skin when i felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"yo, you good bro?" i caught my breath and nodded back to who seemed to be Corbyn. "well are you almost ready to go out for soundcheck? we have to leave soon."

"y-yea yea. lets go." he smiled and held his hand out for me to take, which i gladly did. heres the thing. when I'm in panic mode or my anxiety takes over, Corbyn is the only one who is able to calm me down. he is the only one i want near me, and the others know this. they just don't know why he can do it so well though. i have had a crush on him for a little over a year. no one in the band knows, my parents nor my siblings know either. its just me and my mind.

so anyways, we walk out to stage and the stagehands pass us our microphones and we start the sound checking process. we start off by singing hooked cause why not and by mid song i felt myself start to panic cause as i stared off into the arena all i could imagine was thousands of cameras facing right at me waiting for me to mess up. my part come and i start to sing being very close to missing it completely. all of a sudden my voice crack horribly which causes me to freeze without another word said.

"yo jack. what was that? are you good bro?" i hear Daniel say as he waves his hand in front of my face. i shake my head as i transfer back into reality.

"yea yea what happened?" i say looking around at my surrounding thinking i was moved somewhere else, but nope. i was still on stage. 

"you blacked out for a good minute. you went quiet after a voice crack. we've been trying  to get your attention for a good while but you zoned out." Daniel said. i looked down to my hands and nodded sadly. another hand was placed on my shoulder and when i looked up all the boys except Corbyn were walking away. Corbyn kept his hand on my shoulder and stared me straight in the eyes.

"you ok bubba?" i looked at him tearfully and shrugged looking back down to my hands. "what's going on. you can tell me anything, I'm always here for you bubba." he placed is other hand on my shoulder and bent down lower so we were face to face.

"i-I'm just scared for t-tonight. w-what if i em-embarrass myself? what i-if i mess up? what if i-i-" before i could get any more out Corbyn cut me off.

"bubba, your just overthinking this. nothing bad is going to happen. its all in your head, remember that." he said. i nodded and swiped away any loose tears that ran down my face. he pulled me into a hug where i immediately buried my face into his chest. " if you ever need anything, come to me. there's no way ill let you go by yourself." i pulled away and nodded with a smile plastered on my face. he returned the smile back and we went back to sound checking. i was calm for the rest of it and after we went back to the green room until showtime. i took a small nap before hair and makeup hoping it would be able to calm my nerves. when i woke up i felt a little bit calm but when i had gone to get hair and makeup done the nerves came back in a tidal wave. i kept them hidden from our stylist but as soon as i was back in the green room i wanted to break.

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