C.B- break in.

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this is another story by my friend @Zassie. my favorite oneshot writer. give her and her story some love :)))

Corbyn's P.O.V.

Lyrics run through my head as I hopped down the stairs. It has been quiet in the Why Don't We house. I have no idea why, but for some reason the boys are ignoring me.

They are all okay with each other, but not with me. I have no idea why. I can't think of anything I did to them to make them hate me. I try to ignore it and I try to stop myself from crying when they once again ignore me.

I try not to cry in front of them or show them they're hurting me, because they'll only call me a wimp for crying my eyes out like a baby.

They have so in the past, so I know they will do it again. They don't see how much it hurts me.

Lately all I've been doing is staying at home, in my room where I'm safe from the judgmental eyes. It's not only the boys. It's everyone. Everyone judges me for everything and our manager sighs every time I say something.

The only one who tries to be civil with me is Tyler. Daniels brother who is also our road manager when we're on tour. He's the only one who listens to me and responds to me. Who looks me in the eye as another person. The only one to not treat me like a filthy dog.

"Stay here." Who doesn't give me orders like the others do.

"Get the fuck out of my room." Who sits next to me on the bus so I'm not all by myself.

"..." Who doesn't give me the silent treatment when I have an idea or ask a question.

I've wanted to do multiple things to get away from all of it. Their silence is stuck in my head and it's driving me insane. To the point where I don't know what I'll do anymore.

Am I going to hurt myself? Run away from home? Go home to see my mom? I think the second option would be best. That way I'll be out of their faces. They obviously don't care for me. I'm not their friend anymore.

I don't call them my friends anymore. Let alone brothers. A couple months ago I would have called them my brothers and I would have told you I'd stay with them till death do us apart.

As if we're in a marriage... These boys weren't my brothers by blood, but by choice. Now I'm glad they're neither of those anymore. How can they do this to me?

I was scared of losing them when we first started with the band, but I lost them. I left our home and I sat down on the front porch. I don't even know where they are at the moment. They left without me and didn't tell me where they were going.

If I want to run away, I could do it now. As soon as the thought entered my mind, Jonah's car pulled into the driveway. I sighed, knowing they're going to ignore me as soon as I ask where they've been. At least they don't physically hurt me.

I don't know what'll hurt more, this mental pain they put me through or physical pain. Physical pain at least passes as soon as it's healed. But them ignoring me like this. If they ever decide to talk to me again, I'm not sure if the pain I'm feeling now is ever going to go away.

"Hey! Where have you guys been?" I ask them as they walk past me into the house.

As I should have known, they ignore me. I saw a flicker go through Zach's eyes as he walked by, but he kept his mouth shut.

Why won't they tell me why they're doing this? If it's something I did or am doing right now, if they tell me, I can do something about it. I can change and be better. I can be a better friend.

I wonder if that's what I want, though. Would you want to change yourself after your friends have been so shitty towards you? Do I have to almost die in a car crash or fire to get them to pay attention to me and to make them realize the mistake they're making right now?

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