Z.H- hurt

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*For you information*
I do use real places in this story.
They may not be the most accurate in terms of how close the are but I tried my best. **

zachs pov

its hard to hide your feelings from your best friends who you live with and see everyday. your mood will change and they will pretty much be all over you with questions on whats wrong or if your ok. especially my boyfriend daniel.

my mom called me yesterday evening and told me that my childhood dog, malachi, a 12 year old border collie, had to be put down due to a gastric dialation volvulus(commonly referred to as gastric torsion or bloat, is a disease in dogs in which the animal's stomach dilates and then rotates, or twists, around its short axis.). it killed me.

malachi was my dog. not the familys, mine. everyone in the house knew that. my parents got him for me when I was diagnosed with epilepsy and bad anxiety at age 9. he was my old emotional support animal/service dog who i was actually able to have in school. When I was 15 i retired him at age 11 to a non-working dog and just a family dog, but still my dog. he got me through school, he was pretty much the reason I'm still here today. but now hes gone. sure i have another service dog now, her name is Addy, a 2 year old gorberian (golden retriever and Siberian husky mix), but Malachi will always have a special place in my heart.

Daniel was always with me the whole time but he never knew what happened. addy was by my legs as me and Daniel cuddled in bed. we didn't talk, there was no communication, he just let me be by his side. it was getting close to lunch by the time we realized it. Jonah came into the room saying to come down and eat.

they all knew i was in a sad mood. they tried so hard to get me too eat yesterday for dinner but i was in to much mental pain think of eating. they tried again for breakfast but i was still too drained. now for lunch i was still not in the mood to eat but i knew i had to at one point. Daniel carried me down to the couch and put me on his lap. addy hopped up next to me and laid her head on my legs, which i smiled at and slowly pet her head. Jonah brought me a small bowl of soup and my prescription for my epilepsy which i gladly took. the others grabbed their own food and met with us in the living room just having some quiet time.

"hey Zach?" jack said pulling me from my thoughts. i looked up to him to see concern laying over his face, "what's bothering you bubba? your not you..."

"its nothing, just having an off day.." i lied looking down to my soup.

"we all get them, its ok." jack finished. i kept my eyes down at my soup not making any move to finish it. Daniel saw me playing with it so he took it from my hands  standing up and taking it to the kitchen. he called out to Addy and she perked up and made her way to the kitchen where Daniel was serving her own lunch. i laid farther down on the couch and tucked to blanket that was on the top of the couch over me. i felt the couch dip not longer after and look up to see Addy laying over my legs. i sit up and hug her gently. she is one of the only things that can keep me calm, besides Daniel and the other boys.

maybe i just need some alone time?  i thought. yea ill go for a walk and train Addy some more. i got up and went upstairs to change to more presentable clothing and grabbed Addy's leash, collar, and vest. i hooked her up and went downstairs to grab her bag of treats and my shoes before getting ready to head out the door.

"Zach? where are you going baby?" Daniel said as he made his way towards me.

" i was just going to go to the park to try and train Addy a bit more. wont hurt to get a bit more in would it?" i said with a half smile.

"want me to come with you?"

"can i go by myself? i have a lot on my mind as it is... please dani? i just kind of want to me alone right now... i don't mean to hurt you..." i say looking down to my hands as they twist together. Addy comes up and licks them making me smile. Daniel lifts my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes.

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