Z.H- migraine.

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The five boys departed from each other to go home and have family time. Well 3 of them departed.

Jonah and Zach had gone back to Jonah's house this time around. They went to Zach's house last break so they went to Jonah's.

Jonah and Zach are dating, just so you know.

And Zach thinks Jonah's parents don't like him, he has that itching suspicion. Even after Jonah tells him that they adore him, he wont let that feeling go.


Zach's POV

We just pulled up to Jonahs house for the week and i already was nervous. Jonah could tell i was uptight and gave my hand a squeeze before we got out of the taxi. 

I took a deep breathe and got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase with Jonah before following him up to his house. He walked straight in and greeted his family while i sulked behind, shyly.

"Oh hello Zachary . I didn't even realize you were here." Jonahs dad, Timothy laughed as he approached me. I gave a smile and shook his hand.

"Hello Mr. Franzich..." i mumbled. He patted me on the back with a smile and led me farther into the house.

"Oh, hey Zach!! I'm glad you could come!" Carried stepped over and pulled me into a hug.

"Hello mrs. Franzich..." i greeted her quietly. She pulled away with a light frown.

"How many times have i told you to call me Carrie?? Mrs. Franzich make me feel old." She laughed. I gave Svea and Esther a hug and followed Jonah up to his room. I dropped my bags in the corner and laid down on his bed.

"You okay baby?" Jonah asked, sitting next to me and moving the hair from my face." I shrugged and curled up. Truthfully, i started feel off when we were on the plane but it wasn't bad. I had a slight headache but it was barely there.

"Jus' tired.." i mumbled.

"Wanna take a nap up here? My parents wont mind."

"You can go be with them, I'm fine up here by myself..."

"What if i said, i wanted to nap with my favorite person right here." He got behind me and spooned me.

"Your parents want to see you though? I don't want to take time away from you seeing them." I looked back at him.

"Are you sure baby? I can stay up here if you want me too."

"You haven't seen your parents in months. Go catch up with them." I mumbled ready to sleep already.

"Okay. Call me up if you need me though." I nodded up to him and closed my eyes. I smiled when he threw a blanket over my body and kissed my forehead. I was already enveloped into darkness before i hear the door close behind Jonah.


I woke up and lost all sense of time and perception. It didn't take me long before i noticed the throbbing pain in my head.

I'm screwed...

Jonahs POV

I walked out of my room and downstairs where everyone was in the kitchen.

"Hey jo- wait where's zach?" My mom asked me.

"He's taking a nap. He didn't sleep well last night or on the plane."

"Oh alright" she smiled. "How's the other boys."

"Their good. Daniel has been literally locked up in his studio half the time, writing songs. Corbyn keeps going skiing when he drags Daniel out of the studio. Jack keeps going to Hawaii to be with lavender. Zach's just Zach." I laughed.

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