J.M.- stomach bug

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No pov

So it was during quarantine. And Jonah made the mistake of going to a concert the night before. Even if he was fully vaccinated he managed to get sick.

But he didnt get COVID...

Zach's pov

"Jonah, you really got to relax. Your just gonna feel ten times worse if you dont let everything out." I told my boyfriend as he tried to push himself away from the toilet bowl. He shook his head and hiccuped into his hand.

"I feel better... *hic*!" He tried to convince me but... ya that wasn't working.

"Jo, do you want some water?" He slowly nodded his head and dropped his hand, taking in deeper breaths. I grabbed his water from back in the room. He tried to take sips from it but it was clear he was struggling keeping those small sips down passed the hiccups. I sighed and took the water back from him, pushing him gently to lean over the toilet once again.

"Okay, nope. Your gonna be sick and that's okay. I'm right here, okay? I can tell your holding it back." He finally dropped his facade and coughed slightly over the water before gagging harshly. Once more too which brought up the peptobismal and water he drank.

That didnt last too long but it definitely tired him out a bunch. He was breathing heavily over the bowl with a string of vomit hanging off his lip. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off his lip and mouth before flushing it down the toilet. I pulled Jonah into my chest and rubbed his back gently to calm him down.

"You did so good bear..." I kissed his forehead and rocked him back and forth from our seat on the bathroom floor. "You wanna go back to bed, go down to the living room or stay in here for a bit?"

"Stay here... m' comfy... then bed.." he mumbled into my chest making me laugh. I moved slightly so we were leaned up against the wall and just let him relax. But as much as this was a cute moment to see, he really needed to be in a bed.

I gave him 5 minutes before i ushered him up and back to bed. He curled up sadly under the covers, in only a thin hoodie and shorts. It was our deal if he wanted the duvet, cause his fever was pretty high last time i checked. I sat on the bed next to him and smoothed back his sweaty hair and kissed his forehead.

"Yer gonna ge' sick..." He mumbled with his eyes drooping. His voice cracking slightly from the raspiness.

"I was gonna get sick in the beginning. I mean you did throw up on the covers..." I winced sadly.

"Ughhh... dont remind me..." he rolled over and buried his face in the pillows. I laughed and ran my hand over his back. His shirt felt damp and it clung to his skin.

"Wanna take a nap?" He nodded with his face still thrown in the pillow. I laughed and slid under the duvet, pulling him to my chest. "Just sleep my big bear." To be honest, I'm pretty sure he was asleep as soon and i finished that sentence.

I was about to hunker down to take a nap myself when a quiet knock resonated through the room, the door opening slightly following right after; Jack peeking his head in slowly.

"Oh sorry, i was just coming to see if y'all were alive. You haven't left this room all day." He said leaning against the doorway.

"Sorry i didnt tell ya... jonahs sick. Imma stay with him..." i whispered.

"He's sick...? It's not COVID is it? I know he went to that concert-"

"He has a stomach bug... its not COVID. He's been throwing up all day, surprised you didnt hear him." I let out a dry chuckle.

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