C.B- type 1 diabetes; part 2.

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**this is another one of my friends @Zaasie 's stories. not my work. give her love on this one. this was a request from someone a long time ago and im sorry it took so long. but its here now so enjoy!!**

Corbyn's P.O.V.
Now that the boys know I have Type 1 Diabetes, I don't have go through as much trouble as before to hide it from them. They know now. There's no going back.

I know that I'm moody when I get high. I know that I get emotional when I get low. I know that I get unresponsive when I get too low.

It's not easy for me to deal with. Especially when we're on tour. My levels are all over the place and I have a rough time regulating them.

It's still quite unusual for the boys to see me work my sensor or my pump.

The morning after they found out, they all joined me in the living room.

I explained everything to them. What it is, what it does to me. I explained them the important medical words they should know and I explained about my dog tag I wear under my clothes. Hidden well enough.

I showed them my pump. I explained every detail there is to know. How they can use it. I showed them my kit, explaining to them how everything is called and how to use it.

We took a break after that. I think I gave them enough information for that moment.

Later that day I showed them how everything worked. Zach had to leave the room on several occasions when the needles got too much for him. I'm not really counting on him to give me insulin, but we're a band of five and I managed perfectly by myself before. So why not now?

I know I'm working on the boys' nerves with my terrible mood swings. They understand that I can't help it and that most of the times it's the disease talking. They don't let me get away with everything I say to them, not that I want them too, but they also give me some leniency if I'm really high or really low.

It's everything I didn't want, but I have to admit that it did make everything easier. They give me breaks when I really need it and lately that's been often.

I don't know why, but my Diabetes seems to be against me lately.

I can be really high in the morning, being rude to everyone around me, and drop really low within a couple of hours. Crying my eyes out because of the massive drop.

It's taking a toll on the others to see me like this. I never wanted them to see me like this. If I hadn't told them about it, they would've for sure banned me from the band.

I've not been fun to be around lately. I can't even fully blame my disease for it. It's all me. Despite the disease ruining my life. I still can decide not to do it. I can decide not to act like a teenage hormonal boy.

Lately, the boys don't even fight me anymore. Everything's changed. It all changed when they found out I have Diabetes. Everything I didn't want to happen, happened.

They hung out less and less with me. They made sure I was okay, but they tried to avoid me when I was rude. They fought me in the beginning when I was rude, not really expecting it from me, because I usually kept my cool. But now? They are used to it right now and rather scold me before walking away.

The only reason they watch me, is so I don't take my own life.

I know Jon watches me, because he's the manager and should watch me. The other's gave up on me.

They exclude me from basically everything, not knowing what mood I'm going to give them. Seen as my levels are high more often than low, I can only imagine.

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