J.A- migraine.

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no pov

before going on hiatus, the boys decided they were going to have one big group vacation to Honolulu together. all the boys and even Tate, Christina, gabby, and lavender went as well. it was just a way to unwind after the long tour they just had. to relax and just spend some quality time together while they could.

yes, they could see each other during hiatus, but they agreed on spending that time with family.

it didn't really go as planned...


jacks pov

i sat with gabby and lavender on our plane ride over to Hawaii. i knew this trip was going to be amazing. i had all my close friends with me and my daughter. nothing could go wrong, it was just perfect.

i had lav bopping up and down on my legs to keep her happy and calm. her small giggles spread through the small cabin. they weren't to loud, so I'm sure no one was getting annoyed. she was happy, i was happy, and looking over to gabby, I'm sure she was happy too. she was sleeping on my shoulder with a slight smile on her face. 

just ahead of us were Zach and daniel, both fast asleep i think. i haven't heard anything from them this whole ride. a couple rows behind me were Jonah and Tate, they were too far from me to hear anything from them. they were probably watching a movie cuddled up into each other. Corbyn and Christina were a row ahead of me on the other side of the plane. Christina had her legs up on the empty seat with her head in Corbyn's lap, fast asleep. and Corbyn played with her hair while scrolling through his phone. 

i let gabby sleep as i tended to lavender. since lav was born, she tries to get as much sleep as she can when she can. we had another 3 hours left in the flight so i thought maybe i could lean my seat back a bit and rock lavender to sleep as she started to get quieter. i sang he a soft lullaby while rocking her back and forth in my arms. she slowly lulled herself to sleep in my arms so i gently placed her in her car seat next to me. i kissed her head before leaning back in my seat and falling asleep myself.


i slowly woke up as someone shook my shoulder gently. i opened my eyes to see gabby smiling next to me with a giggling lavender in her arms. 

"buckle up baby. were landing soon." she said moving the hair from my eyes. i nodded slightly and sat up more to buckle the belt around my waist. i noticed a small ache spreading around my head but it was barely noticeable so i didn't think anything of it. it was probably just from the altitude. went we landed my stomach flipped slightly and i had to take deep breaths with my eyes closed.

"you okay baby?" gabby said looking over to me. i swallowed and opened my eyes looking towards her.

"yea, yea the landing just messed with my stomach a little bit. I'm good now." i said with a weak smile. the feeling went away i let out a inaudible, relieved sigh. we gathered all of our stuff up and waited to get off the plane. we met up with everyone in the baggage claim and went outside to wait for our ride. we had rented a house here in Honolulu for two weeks for the nine of us. 

we had to get two rides so me, gabby, lav, daniel, and Zach went in one car while Jonah, Tate, Corbyn, and Christina went in the other. when we arrived at the house we all rushed in and got situated into our rooms. 

we all ended up calling it a night in cause it was already 7 at night. Jonah suggested just watching a movie together, which we obviously all agreed too. i didn't even pay attention to the movie which i later found out was mean girls. the movie was the last thing on my mind at this point. the slight headache i had on the plane earlier became increasingly worse. it was right behind my eyes and spreading through my temples. the pain wasn't too bad but it was bad enough to make me have my full focus on the pain.

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