J.A- stomach bug

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Maybe some janah?

No ones pov

the boys had been in the middle of their 8 letters tour when jack and jonah had both come down with a cold. nothing was to concerning, they just had a cold.

when they had to go in for a meet and greet, their day had taken a unfortunate turn.

jacks pov

we had a slightly pack day with a meet and greet, rehersals, sound check, and a show at the end. we had just left for the meet and greet and we all thought it was going to be a normal meet and greet. NEWS FLASH!! it was not.

many girls older or younger had come and go. this one girl had stood out to me specifically. she had long brown hair a striking blue eyes, just like Daniels. but she didn't look in like she was in the good condition that every other girl had been in; she had tear streaks down her face had bright red puffy eyes. she jumped down from her mothers arms and slowly made her way over to my arms. i gave her a nice big hug and lifted her off her feet. she kept her head down on my shoulder and i felt so loved by her, she made me so happy.

"hey sweetheart, what's your name?" she lifted her head and came to my ear and whispered into my ear.

"my names avery."she said in a hushed tone. to make her at least laugh i whispered back to her.

"wanna know something really really cool?" i earn a smile and a nod from the young brunette. "my last name is avery, we're twins!" and just like i thought i earned a small giggle from her. unfortunatly, that giggle turned into a cough real quick. she had got her picture with us and right as i was about to put her down she started to cough again and ended up throwing up all over my shirt. i freaked out which made her freak out. she was crying and i was on the verge of gagging myself. her mother came to me and told me she wasnt feeling well before the picture and she was extremely sorry for this right before she ran off with her daughter. i started to hyperventilate as i didnt know what to do, nor did anyone else.

"j-jonah what d-do i-i do??" my voice really shaky.

he just grabbed my shoulders and said calmly, "dont worry we will get you cleaned up just wait a second, ok?" i nodded as he stepped back and yelled to the now smaller crowd, "CAN I PLEASE GET EVERYONES ATTENTION??! WE WILL HAVE TO STOP THE MEET AND GREET SHORT DUE TO A TURN OF EVENTS. WE ARE ALL VERY SORRY FOR THIS NEWS BUT WE WILL BE SURE TO GIVE OUT REFUNDS. THANK YOU EVERYONE WE ALL LOVE YOU." there was a mix of awws and 'i love you too's from all the limelights. he turns back to me and leads me to the nearest bathroom.

"jack how much do you like that shirt?"

"um i don't know probably a negative forty two cause its covered in vomit!!"

"fair point. ok im going to try and rip the back of it, ok?" i nod back at him as he grabs the back of my collar and counts to three before tugging it to the side quickly, ripping it about halfway down. i let him tear it the rest of the way before stepping out of the soiled shirt. he gives me his sweatshirt to put on as i was half naked. i fall into his arms for a hug and he hugs me back just as tight.

"you ok jacky? your hearts beating really fast." i lift my head as tears start to spring into my eyes. i roughly shook my head.

"I-I just g-got r-really sc-scared. I'm sorry j-Jonah." He pulls me back into his chest as I start to cry harder.

"It's ok u have nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault. How about we get you back to the bus, how does that sound?" I nod into his chest. "Want me to carry you?" I shrug my shoulders and before I can think about it I'm lifted off my feet into Jonah's arms. He was very comforting. When I was sad or anything like that I always wanted Jonah. Just Jonah.

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