J.M- motion sickness.

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the boys have to travel a lot during tour, obviously.

but sometimes when they really need to, one of them can have trouble adjusting to it..

jonahs pov

we have to get on the new bus so we can drive to the first show venue. this is the day i always hate. before i get adjusted to the bus, i will always get a couple days of bad motion sickness. the boys know, management knows, that's why we usually have the first show of tour in a state where we have to drive so we can all adjust to the bus, well mostly me.

"jo, got your stuff? we have to leave soon." jack said peeking into my room. i nodded before closing up my suitcase. i grabbed my bag and suitcase before leaving my room. we stuffed our bags into the van and left to where we had to go for the bus pick up. it was a short distance but still about 10 minutes long. i was sitting in the back with Zach next to me, jack and Daniel were in the middle and Corbyn called shotgun.

my leg had been bouncing up and down the entire ride along with trying to bite my nails. Zach had noticed almost immediately and placed his hand on my leg making chills go up my spine. it stopped my leg from bouncing but not my nail or lip biting.

when we got to where the bus was parked, i was scared. not of the bus, not of the traveling, but the sickness that came with it. i hated getting sick more than anything.

we all stuffed our bags into the compartment under the bus and went inside. we all got settled in quickly before we finally got on the road. i was laying in my bunk, without an attempt to even close the curtains, trying to block everything out in attempt to fall asleep. no sooner or later did i realize it, i was deep in dream world.

zachs pov

i knew jonah was nervous, i could just feel it raditating off him. as soon as we were settled on the bus he was sleeping in his bunk. i knew that later on he would be feeling sick so i found the bucket we bring along and set it next to his bunk, he would be needing that later. i went over to my bunk and laid there on my phone waiting for something to happen.


I must've been on my phone for about an hour before I saw Jonah start to move around in his bunk. He was whimpering slightly and grasping his stomach. I sighed sadly before getting up and moving to his bunk. I sat next to him, and gently shook his shoulder.

"Jonah. C'mon wake up." I said. He whimpered and his eyebrows creased as he slowly came to his senses.

"Z..? I don't feel so good." He said laying more on his back. i rubbed his shoulder in comfort.

"do you feel sick now jojo?" he hesitated taking deep breaths before nodding slowly. i sat him up at the edge of the bed and brought the bin onto his lap. he leant onto my shoulder breathing slowly, willing the nausea to go away. "jojo, i know you hate getting sick, but i think youll feel better if you let it out." he whimpered but nodded, sitting up positioning himself over the bin. i continued to rub his back until he began to gag. 

"i hate th- *gags* this..." he said. i frowned at him feeling so sick.

"i know baby. dont talk, just relax." he took a nice deep breath before spilling his breakfast into the bucket. it didn't take long before Daniel came into the bunk room.

"hey, he okay?" Daniel said. i looked up from Jonah to Daniel.

"the usual. he will be okay soon. just gotta let this pass." i said before Jonah threw up again.

"alright you got him handled?" i nodded at Daniel before he left. Jonah stopped getting sick momentarily so i sat the bin on the floor and pulling Jonah in for a side hug. he sighed heavily against my shoulder.

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