C.B- insomnia

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this is not my work!! just and fyi. 

original writer: Zaasie



The morning alarm on my phone just rang.

Not that that was needed, because I'd already been awake for hours. If I hadn't, I would have had Jonah at my throat.

And I still hope that one of these days I will fall asleep and sleep for more than just a couple of hours straight.

I so don't want to get up right now. My bed is really comfortable and I'm really tired.

I decide to get up and slump my legs over the side of my bed and slowly drag myself out of bed. I grab some clothes and drag my feet out into the hallway.

The boys are most likely all downstairs in kitchen already. Giving me the perfect opportunity to use the bathroom in privacy.

I get myself ready for the day, despite knowing I really don't want to.

throwing my pajamas into my room, I put my phone and my wallet in my pockets and walk downstairs into the kitchen.

"morning." Jonah greets me nicely. I want to respond but I physically can't.

"morning sleepy head." Daniel says. I know they are sharing glances behind my back.

"morning to you too." I put down the now empty glass.

"you look terrible. what did you do? go out in the middle of the night and are now suffering from a hangover?" Zach tries.

"so what if I did?" I play along while making myself a sandwich. I'm not hungry but I might as well eat something.

someone chokes on the food they're eating. "you're kidding, right?" I turn around to look at Jonah with the most agitated facial expression I can put on my face. not that hard considering my lack of sleep.

"I'm 21. I can go out if I want." not that I did go out, but its nice to know that I can if I want.

"no, you cant actually. we're in this band together and what you do will affect us too. no matter what you do. if you mess things up for you, you mess things up for us as well. we worked our asses off for this."

Jonah sounds harsher than I've ever heard him before. he wasn't even this harsh when the choreographer wouldn't give Zach a break when he was obviously about to pass out from exhaustion and fever.

I don't know why, but what he said never got to me. never have I ever done anything to put our band in line. I've always fought for us. I've protected us to my best ability. I've always given 110% on stage. Jonah knows that. heck, all the boys know that. why do they think that I would jeopardize our career like that?

"lets just go. we've got an interview to get to." Daniel says trying to get us all out of this conversation. I would have punched Jonah if it weren't for Daniel breaking the thing up.

 I take my sandwich and eat it in the car. everyone glances towards me every once in a while. I try to ignore it.

"welcome boys." Jon, our manager, greets us  when we enter the building.

all the boys greet him back and once again I cant manage to use my voice. Jon notices right away that something is off but decides not to ask about it right now. I took out my phone while following Jon to one of the dressing rooms we are to be in until we get called for the interview.

I sit down on the couch, wanting to close my eyes for a second. after a few minutes I give up, because im pretty restless.

"already regretting your nightly adventure?" jack asks me. I look over to see them all looking at me. it seems like the four of them were in deep conversation until jack decided to call me out.

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