J.M- heat stroke

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this vacation was just full of bad luck for the boys. 

and it was only going to get worse...


jonahs pov

i woke up pretty early, just before the sun rose. i dont know why but i thought that if i was up, i might as well stay up. i walked out to the balcony of mine and tates room and sat looking out over the water. 

the sun started to rise and i watch it all. i watched it in all its beauty. the bright colors and the reflection on the water. the warm light running over my face. 

i watched it rise until i felt arms wrap around my waist, startling me slightly. i wrapped my arm around tates shoulder after she laughed at me.

"why you up so early?" she asked looking out over the water as well.

"i dont know... just woke up and came out to watch the sun rise." 

"either we go down and make coffee or we stay in bed for a little while longer and cuddle."

"how about we go make coffee and cuddle on the couch."

"perfect." she said. i looked her in the eyes and pecked her lips. we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen together. i made us both a cup of coffee we migrated over to the couch. she cuddled into my side and i pulled the blanket over our laps. i turned on the tv for the both of us.

we sat for over an hour before everyone was starting to wake up. first down was gabbie and lavender. then corbyn and christina with daniel following them. zach obviously was dead asleep and probably wouldnt wake up for another half hour or maybe longer.

"we should go down to the beach for the day. to just get out in the sun for the day." daniel said as he plopped down on the couch.

"sounds good. ill go wake zach and tell him. he wont be up until like 2 pm if i dont." i said with a laugh as i walked up the stairs. i opened his door and found him on his stomach looking at the door, but still fast asleep. i huffed a laugh and went over to his bed. i rubbed his shoulder slightly until i heard him groan and roll over.

"bubba, c'mon. were gonna go to the beach today." he rolled back over to me with his eyes barely open. "wanna go to the beach?"

"yea..." he said while taking a big stretch.

"then i would consider getting out of bed." i said patting his shoulder.

"but im really tired..." he whined.

"what time did you go to bed?"

"like three but i couldn't sleep well..."

"that will do it. c'mon, its only nine in the morning. we were going to spend the whole day there. we wanted to leave by 11. if you get ready quickly you can go sleep on the couch for a little while, okay?" he huffed but nodded and sat up in his bed. 

"just change and pack a small bag of what you need then come downstairs so you can nap. okay?" he nodded again so i left him to it. i walked downstairs and back to the couches.

"is sleeping beauty up yet?" Corbyn asked with a tiny laugh to himself.

"hes getting ready now. hes going to come downstairs and probably take a nap. he was so drained, barely could keep his eyes open. said he couldn't sleep last night." he nodded in response. we all had slight small talk for a few minutes before Zach came wobbling into the living room, rubbing his eyes. Corbyn moved from the loveseat for Zach. he collapsed onto the couch and fell asleep pretty much instantly.

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