J.A- acid reflux.

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no pov

the boys sometimes can be real idiots and pretty irresponsible at times.

they forget they have a job to fulfil and forget about their responsibilities.

tonight being one of those times.

they decided to be stupid and find alcohol and get drunk at their group house. not letting anyone know about these plans, they snuck into the basement, telling everyone they were just gonna try and make music. spend the night letting their thoughts out into lyrics and chords.

big lie.

they were lucky that they had a sound proof basement. for the music purposes.

they were gonna be partying the night away with no regrets.

another lie...


Jacks pov

Throughout the entire night, me and the boys (besides Zach because he was too young. And even we didn't want to take that risk. He stayed with a friend for the night) spent our one night and day off, partying our hearts away.

Was this a good idea? Absolutely not. But did we think about the consequences? NOPE!!

It had only been an hour and a half and i was already getting pretty tipsy. Jonah was able to handle his alcohol better than me and we had about the same, but he was perfectly fine. He was loosening up but he was nowhere near drunk. Daniel and Corbyn were a whole different story though.

The decided to have a chugging war (Corbyn won). Along with that they had multiple shots and glasses. They were just a complete mess. I didn't want to get THAT drunk, i just wanted to have some fun.

I stayed close by Jonah's side, away from the ruckus we called our other two band mates. We quietly made a bet between the two of us to see who would collapse or throw up first. I bet on Daniel.

I just finished my second cup of a delicious mixed drink that tasted no where near like alcohol. I decided to let loose a bit and take a few shots along with a third drink. Jonah warned me but I couldn't give a flying fuck. I sat back with my drink and watched as Corbyn and Daniel 'attempted' karaoke.

Funny sight if i do say so myself.

They could barely stand properly anymore. Swaying like they were just learning how to walk. Slurring their word; well more like slurring the words that they thought were right but were honestly just making up and had nothing to do with the song at all.

i looked towards Jonah and rolled my eyes with a small laugh.

"They are going to regret that tomorrow." He muttered.

"They are going to regret it in an hour or two." I corrected him. He agreed.

Then i hiccupped. Followed by a acidic burp.

"That sounded painful." Jonah patted my back. I swallowed down the burning taste and nodded back to him.

"Fucking heartburn.." i rubbed my chest.

"Maybe you should slow down on the drinks. Or make that your last one." I nodded and downed the little bit left in my cup.  I grimaced as the pain only escalated in my sternum. "You okay man?"

"I think ill be fine." I turned my attention back to the two VERY drunk idiots in front of me. Just in time to see Daniel fall back off his feet onto his ass. "Have we ever seen them this drunk?" I looked over at Jonah who was now recording whatever nonsense these two.

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