J.A- hypothermia

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**quick note. this is going to be a Y/N story by request of @sigs12345. im putting it together with @Hell_Ali 's request. this is going to be my first A/N story so im very sorry if it is bad.**

no pov

the boys had gone on a short vacation together with their girlfriends in Colorado. it was just about the end of January so it was still cold. the snow was still layered up high and the lake nearby was frozen over. they stayed in a lodge all together; well they separated the couples into their own rooms. Zach and daniel had to share a room since they didn't have any girlfriends but they didn't mind. 

they expected to just go skiing or snowboarding most of the time but weren't afraid to adventure outside the lodge resort.

that's what jack and y/n did...


jacks pov

i wanted some alone time with y/n. we were with the rest of the big group for over 3 days already and besides at night and in the mornings; i never had alone time with her. there wasn't much for us to do, but we managed to find a small trail leading us to a frozen lake. we had gotten all bundled up for our little walk.

we walked hand in hand together down the trail; y/n curled into my side seeking warmth. the walk was pretty short but still long enough for our hands to be cold even through both of our gloves.

we arrived at the frozen lake shortly after and just stood, taking in the view.

it was just about sunset so the ice reflected the blue, red, orange, and yellow sky. the ice was almost crystal clear making the reflection even prettier. 

we sat down on a rock for a little longer just enjoying each others company for once.

here's the thing, Corbyn and jonah have already been able to bring Tate and Christina on tour with us. i still am waiting for my time to bring y/n with me. i haven't seen her in over three months due to us travelling around so much and so often. i hadn't found a day to go out and visit her or fly her out here yet. so today, and this entire time we are together, I'm going to make the best of it with her.

"i have an idea..." i said pulling her up and off of the big rock. i pulled her slowly out onto the ice being careful of my foot placement. 

"what are we doing jack??" y/n asked with a laugh but i could still hear a bit of fear in her voice.

"first we are going to have fun, then we are going to do a photo shoot!" i said with a big smile. i spun her around on the ice kissed her with a giggle leaving my mouth. 

"there is no place i rather be than right here with you." y/n said. i kissed here again and pulled her into my body.

"me too baby, me too." i said back when i pulled away. i  took my phone out of my pocket and held it up in front of me with a smirk. "photo time." i said making y/n laugh.

"fine you dork." she said back to me. 

we set up my phone on the rock we had sat on moments before and had a blast.

we took cute pictures.
we took funny pictures.
we took kissing pictures.
we took pictures of us running on the ice.
we took individual pictures.

we were just a mess.


we had been out on the lake for about an hour or so. it had gotten a lot darker but there was still a small bit of light remaining. the temperature surely dropped as well. we were running on ure adrenaline and the warmth from running around. 

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