Better Cheddars Are GOOOD

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A/n if you are reading this then it means that we have officially survived through 12/21/12! Congrats to us all! We all deserve a t-shirt.

Chapter 37 - Better Cheddars Are GOOOD

I put my hands onto the ground, pushing myself up. I said, "Dude, you can't kill someone that's already dead."

Voldemort glared at me, sending a body binding curse my way which I was too slow to dodge. A few Death Eaters busted the door open and grabbed onto each of my arms. What, do they think that I'm strong or something? 

Voldemort glared at my terrified father. Before saying those two fatal words. 

"Avada Kavera," he spoke. Everything went in slow motion. I watched as the bright green light got closer and closer to hitting my helpless father. 

It seemed weird watching it hit someone else other than yourself. 

"No!" I screamed. 

The light collided with my fathers' chest. He tumbled back, trying to regain his balance but his eyes quickly rolled back into his head and he fell to the floor, dead. 

I screamed to the loudest of my ability. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" A waterfall of tears fled down my face as I used all my strength to try to break away from the two Death Eaters. But it was no use. With the flick of his wand, Voldemort set my house on fire and apperated away almost instantly. The two Death Eaters holding me apperated right behind them, unfortunately, I was with them. 


Once we reached the ground again, I struggled to keep my balance, but I quickly stood up right. 

I looked around and immediately recognised the place. 

Malfoy Mannor. 

The two Death Eaters still had a good grip on me, but I uslessly flailed my arms and legs around, screaming my lungs out; hoping that Draco could hear me. But he didn't. Nobody did. 

I was then thrown into the dark cold dungons all by myself, I think. 

I kinda blacked out once I hit the floor. 


I awoke curled up in a ball, shivering.  At first I could not make out where I was. But it soon all came back to me. 

My fathers death, being kidnapped, blacking out. 

There was a small ball of light in the back of the dungeon. 

I slowly pushed my self up off of the ground. I nearly fell over at first but quickly got my balance back. 

I slowly walked to the ball of light. When I got about a half a foot away from it, it disappeared. 

The dungeon was pitch black. 



The musty dungeon air was hard to breathe, and it smelled of, well, nastiness. 

It had been at least three weeks since I had been thrown in here. It sucks. 

 Ever in a while, so about every three to five days, a very small portion of food, and a small bowl of water would appear in the dungeon. What, do they think that I'm a dog? 

Draco POV

Ever since getting on the train, I hadn't seen Megan. I didn't even get to say goodbye. 

It had been bothering me for weeks. 

I would have owled out a letter but considering that the Dark Lord has been staying in Malfoy Manner it's been a bit hard to get a letter out without him knowing. 

Sometimes I would wonder what the Dark Lord would do if he knew that I was dating Megan. 

Just thinking of that made me realize, I don't really know if Megan really is a pureblood. 

What if she isn't? What if she's a halfbood, or worse, a mudblood. 

I need to owl her. 

I think that my mother, who was sitting in front of me, realized that something was wrong, and spoke up, "I need to go run some errands, Draco, care to come?" She gave me that "You've got no choice" look. So I gave a slight nod before grabbing her arm and side apperating to who knows where. 

Mother pulled me off to the side of the road and into a small alley way. 

"What has been up with you?" she spoke in a whisper.

I hesitated before realizing, this is my mother, probably the only normalish person in my family.  "It's just my girlfriend. I have this feeling that something is wrong, but maybe it's just because I didn't get to see her after she got of the train. I don't really know, I guess it doesn't really matter." I had started to ramble. 

Mother placed her hands on each side of my head. 

"Draco, Draco, Draco, shh," she shushed. "I does matter. Don't think that it doesn't. Most of the time when you feel that somethings wrong, something really is wrong. Don't feel like its just some stupid thing." She was hiding something, but what? Did she know what was wrong with Megan?

"You're hiding something from me, what is it?" I asked, slightly panicky. 

What is wrong with me? I'm never like this!

She hesitated, "It's really nothing." And then she said in a hushed tone, "The Dark Lord just has a girl, probably about your age, locked up in the dungeon."

My eyes widened. "How did you know about this?" I asked rather loudly. Yet I quickly realized and took a note on being quieter. 

A slightly angry look appeared in Mother's eyes yet quickly disappeared right before she spoke, "I volunteered to bring her food every once in a while."

There was only one thing that I wanted to ask, "Can I come with you?"

A/n HEYYY! So this is extreamly late! I've been busy and lazy. hehe. I should upload before 2013 :)

Better Cheddars are goood!

Okay so questions!

1) What did you get for Christmas, well that is unless you don't celebrate christmas. 

2) What do you want to see/read in some upcoming chapters???

3) Next chapters title?

Best answer gets a dedication...

So yeah, I'm going to bed. 



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