A Vomit of a Detention

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Chapter 49 - A Vomit of a Detention.

Megan POV

So I went to go talk to Alberforth about Harry, Hermione, and Ronald coming. He agreed in having them stay at his place for a day or so. So yeah, then I took a nap, on his couch.

I awoke in my room.

Was that a dream? Have I really gone down to Alberforth's yet? Hmph.

Eh whatever, I guess that I'll find out when the time comes. Or when the golden trio does.

Whatever comes first.

After awaking, and sitting around for who knows how long, I realized that I had missed nearly all my classes for the day, but I didn't feel like finishing up my classes for the day so I dug around in my trunk for something, quickly finding it.

You may be wondering what it is, well it's a... PUKING PASTEL! MWAGAGA!

So I took off to Madam Pompom's taking the thingy that makes me vomit on my way.

Within minutes, I vomited all over the floor... shhhh, nobody saw that.

"DETENTION!" A male voice yelled.

Oh, I guess someone did...

"F-for vomiting?!" I exclaimed, turning around to see some random teacher that I've never seen before in my life.

"Yes, tonight, at eight, my office," she snapped, and then walked off.

Well this sucks. Stupid random teachers.

Wait, I don't even know where her office is.

Eh, whatever I'll find it, cause I'm cool like that.

So I continued my journey to the infirmary.


So yeah, I got the rest of the day off from school but still had to go that that friggen detention.

Turns out that whats-her-face is some random person who Snape hired to hand out random detentions.

Her office is apparently now that room that connects to the great hall, yeah the one from book four that the Cedric, the Fleur, the Potter, and the Krum were brought after the Goblet of Fire revealed their lovely names!

So yeah, that's where I spent my night.

Hermione POV

"She's gotta be around here somewhere," I thought aloud, Harry and Ron on both sides of me.

There was something about the cold dark air that made me think that something was up, but then again, I could just be paranoid.

"She's probably over there," Ron spoke loudly, pointing down the deserted street.

Before I could give him any sort of response whatsoever, he took off towards his recommended path, setting off many more alarms on his way.

Sometimes I wonder if he even has a brain.

And of course, Harry just had to chase after him, which gave me no choice but to follow.

The longer the alarms went off, signalling intruders, the more security came to Hogsmeade. Before long, it seemed like we would never be able to escape, and that Megan was obviously nowhere to be found.

"Shhh, in here," said an elder voice. Honestly, I would rather follow a stranger than be captured so we followed the man.

He lead us to a small, tightly enclosed room. I heard the panting off the two boys next to me. Geesh, these guys are out of shape.

"Who are you?" I finally asked the man who was currently pouring tea into four small porcelain cups.

Without looking up from the tea, he simply answered, "My name is Alberforth Dumbledore." He gave each of us tea and some pastry type food, which Ron devoured within seconds- doesn't surprise me. "Megan should have been here but she recieved a detention last night inwhich she could not make it. She instructed that you three are to stay here, and only here, for the next few days until she is able to make it down here."

The boys shrugged their shoulders as if not to give a care in the world that they were being forced to stay.

"Mr. Dumbledore?," his head turned swiftly to the direction inwhich I was standing. "Do you, by chance, know what it's like up at the school right now?"

"Yes, I do. And all I should really say at the moment is that it's bad. Extremely bad."

A/n Hi! So I'm about 600 reads away from 100,000 reads! Yey! And once I get to 100,000 I will start writing a butt load of short chapters that will be uploaded all at once. This was what was prefered by the majority of you guys so that's what I'm doing. But if I do this you guys have to PROMISE to leave some votes and comments on EVERY chapter. I don't want any chapters with like 2 comments and 4 votes. That would suck.

So yeah, I'm gunna go to bed now since I have practice in the morning -_- NIGHT!



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