Buttons and Ties

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Chapter 6 - Buttons and Ties

You know how in most Harry Potter fan fictions, when the main character is in the hospital wing, he/she wakes up to a crowd of people surrounding their bed; Well, that’s not how I woke up. I woke up to me, myself, and I. Oh, and the girl in the hospital bed across from me.

“Uh, hello?” I said, noticing that she hadn’t blinked or even moved since I had seen her. She wasn’t dead, dead people could sit up without someone holding them up. The girl did not respond to me. “Helllooo?” I said, again, stretching out the single word. Still, nothing. Eh, whatever.

I’m upset. I feel like a friendless loser. A unicorn loving loser… Who’s hungry. I want some bread. Bread is my favorite food- other than ice cream. But not chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream tastes like shit (A/n that’s true shiz) . I think that I left all of my Harry Potter stuff with Sirius- Oh, god. I feel like screaming, I need to get up and run around- even though I hate running. Why did Dumbledore choose me to come to Hogwarts to see if I can use magic even though I’m a muggle? It kind of makes me feel special. But then my mind goes back to my friendless world. It’s quite amazing how something- like the thought of me being friendless- can lead to a pile of completely random thoughts that are barely connected to the original subject.

Madam Pomfrey walked out of her office and saw me just laying down like the sack of awesomeness that I am- Did I just call myself a sack? Like, a sack of potatoes? I’ve got some (PUN ALERT!) Sirius issues.

“Oh good you’re awake. I’ve been quite surprised that nobody has been here to visit you,” she said. I glared at her. “Take this potion and then you can leave why you’re ready.” She handed me a potion. “Also, when you get up to leave, put this sling on your left arm,” Madam Pomfrey said, motioning towards a sling on the white bedside stand next to me. “Oh, and be sure to come back every night after dinner to take a potion. Healing your bones takes longer than it would for others,” she whispered. I nodded, taking the potion that the matron still had in her long fingered hand, and chugged it down, lightly choking as the liquid slid down my slightly soar throat.

I, carefully, pushed myself out of the worn hospital bed- with my right arm- and quietly laid my feet onto the cold, hard floor. A shiver ran from my toes to my nose within a millisecond. I saw a neatly folded, now clean, Slytherin uniform laying next to my sling. “The house elves insisted on cleaning them,” Madam Pomfrey spoke, causing me to jump a bit since I had completely forgotten that she was still standing at the end of my bed, watching me like a hawk.

I then looked down to what I was wearing- my zebra printed bra, and the shorts/legging thingies that I wore under my skirt the previous day. Also, around my ribs, was a wrap bandage thing. I had forgotten about my broken rib.

Madam Pompfrey waved her wand in a magical way, and with a ‘POP’, a set a curtains appeared around my bed, giving me privacy to change.

I had a hard time changing, considering I only had one working hand and every time I moved a certain way, it would be quite noticeable to me that I had a broken rib.

It took me a good five minutes to just get my skirt on. I had managed to get my arms through the sleeves of my long sleeve, completely white- not for long- button up shirt, before I heard the doors to the Infirmary open up and then the sounds of two shoes clicking across the floor.

“Where is Megan?” asked a rude, yet very familiar male voice, that belonged to Draco Malfoy.

“That is no way to speak to an adult,” Madam Pomfrey sternly said. I could just feel Draco rolling his eyes at her. I silently chuckled. “She is changing behind that curtain,” she said, before probably disappearing back into her office.

I fumbled with the buttons on my shirt, being very unsuccessful, before just giving up. “Uh, Draco?” I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I mean, I just met him yesterday- well actually I met him years ago while watching and reading the Harry Potter series, but this yesterday was the first time that I had actually met him in person. But hey! It’s not like I’m naked, I mean it’s just a bra! I have my skirt on and stuff, and I had an amazing body so I shouldn’t be self conscious. Whatever. “Could, you, uh, come in and help me button my shirt?”

The curtain that Madam Pomfrey put up moved a bit as Draco walked in. As the curtain flowed back into it’s original place Draco just stood there. I rolled my eyes and flicked him on the head with my good hand.

He lightly shook his head and reached for the first button on my shirt, quickly moving on to the next, and the next, and the next.

“Could you do my tie too?” I asked, nodding towards my green and silver tie, which laid on top of the bedside table. He grabbed it and slung it around my neck, and easily tied it, his eyes not meeting mine. Draco then reached for the sling.

“I can do that by myself,” I growled, ripping the sling out of his grip and putting it on myself.

Together, we walked out of the Infirmary, and down to breakfast where Fred and George may just kill me.

“Don’t worry,” said Draco. “I won’t let them.”

Wait, what? Did I just say that aloud?

“Yep, I’m pretty sure you did,” Draco announced

Okay, I‘m one hundred percent positive that I hadn‘t said

that aloud.

A/n okay so this is kinda short and kinda late. Sorry, I've been obsessed with the Maximum Ride series- 31/2 books in 4 or 5 days, wow. And they are each over 400 pages (well except for the last one) Okay, so anyways, I couldn't stay focused today, that's why it's so short, I also tried to put more detail in cause I'm awesome. My reflection just jumped me. lol. I forgot that there was a mirror there. The next chapter will be longer and have Tori, the twins, and some more people in it other than me (Megan) and Draco. I'm not sure if this will be a Draco love story or not. I guess we will ALL have to wait and see/read.  Next chapter will be up soon. The more comments and VOTES the faster the uplaods. This chapter is Dedicated to @JHlovva.Oh and if the pic on the side doesn't show up then just go to the External link.





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