Cough Drop Over Dosage

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Chapter 27 - Cough Drop Over Dosage

I walked around hogwarts grounds with a lolly pop in my mouth thinking of nothing in particular.

I yawned.

Which caused the Lolly pop to fall out of my mouth and into the nasty ground.

That made me upset.

After I walked around some more I saw Mara's new baby Mooshaki chasing Tori. And then Mara was literally rolling around on the ground laughing.


"GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUTTA BED!" Kara yelled, yanking the curtains open.

It was rainy and dreary outside. And. Truthfully, I felt like shit.

"Can't I just skip classes today? I feel like shit." I spoke.

She just shook her head. I let out a long breath and said, "fine. You can go ahead and go to breakfast. I will see you there." I lied. Kara nodded and walked out.

Smirking, I laid back down the way I was and quickly fell back asleep.

When I woke back up, I couldn't breath out of my nose and I had the worst headache like ever. My throat also killed.

I slowly got up and dug through my trunk for some cough drops.

I smiled when I found them.

I laid back down and popped a cherry flavored cough drop into my mouth.


Apparently I fell asleep because I woke up in a bright room.

Oh wait! This is the infirmary!

I'm good at this.

A pink panda waddled up to me. It spoke some foreign language and then walked away.

What da fuqk?

Then Madam Pom pom walked in with some people dressed as leaf blowers. The leaf blowers grabbed me and took me away to some unknown palace called Azkaban prison.

I woke up again.

This time I was in St. Mungos. A nurse- I mean a healer- walked by.

"Uh, excuse me, but why am I here?" I asked the healer.

She looked down at a clip board Before answering, "Magically enchanted cough drop over dosage."

I raised my eyebrows at her before chuckling.


The following night I got a whole bunch of us to meet up in the ROR. And Ron and Hermione acted all weird since this is where DA meetings are. Just, you know, in a different room of it.

So anyways, the room was filled with caffeine and sugar.



Mtn. Dew.


Sugar packets.



Ice cream.


Some more chocolate.

Chocolate covered coffee beans.

And, yep.

You guessed it.



So we all got sugar and coffee high.

Then some teachers came in and joined us.

Well this will end... Oddly...?

A/n sorry it took so long for a short chapter. I've been really busy with hw. We had like three essays to write in two weeks. It sucked. So yeah. This chapter is just the beginning if m1ch3ll3's amazing idea.  

I will upload the next chapter a lot fasted. That is, if I get many comments and tons of votes.  

No number in particular. Just many and tons. Don't worrying it won't be that hard.





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