Mr. Potato Head

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Hey! So the winner is... KARA! Aka @Kara12 or at least i think that's what her username is. lol. I've got a bad memory.

So yeah. other winners will be said at the end of the chapter in that A/n

Here's the chapter... and yes Kara, the chapter title is what you get for not making one up. lol.

Chapter 39 - Mr. Potato Head

*Kara's POV*

I got a patronus from the last person i ever expected. Draco. "Kara!" It said desperately. "Megan is in trouble! I need your help to get her out of it! Meet me in Diagon Ally tonight at midnight." Then the patronus disappeared. Ok? That was weird. I had known Draco each other for a long time. Both of our parents are Deatheaters. I don't like that thought so my parents kind of ignore me. Draco has embraced the dark lord though so i don't see why hes coming to me for help. Oh well i guess i'll find out. Midnight came and I was where Draco had instructed. Draco found me a few minutes after i arrived. "This had better be good." I said to him while crossing my arms. "She-She's in my manor..." He said breathlessly "In the dungeon!" "What the heck is she doing there!?" I asked him. "The Dark Lord.... He killed her Dad and took her. He's been around the house so much i cant get her out though i need to. I don't know what they are planning but We have to get her out!" He explained talking almost so fast he couldn't be understood. "Hold on a sec." I said holding up my hands "When did i come into this?" "Your like her best friend aren't you?" He asked. "No. Tori is. But as far as I know she wants nothing to do with Megan still." "Please Kara! She could die! Or worse!" He said desperately. He seriously looked like he was about to cry. "Wow you do have a heart." i said a little too smugly "Fine I'll help you but Mara needs to get in on this too." "Fine but we have to hurry." He said. I swear there is fear in his eyes. I always knew Draco was scared of the Dark Lord. I mean come on who isnt? But Draco scared to lose someone? That is unheard of!

"When is the next Deatheater meeting?" I asked.

He gave me a funny look "Your parents are Deatheaters and you don't even know?!"

"In case you hadn't noticed I don't like the Dark Lord and because of that I am ignored by my parents which is fine by me." I said a little defensively.

"Its tonight. That's why i asked to meet you now. they are just now leaving." He said finally answering my question.

"Not much time to plan but lets do this Megan style." I said grinning.

Here I am standing in front of Malfoy Manner with Mara on one side of me and Draco on the other. "For Megan." Mara whispered.

"for Megan" I agreed.

"For Megan" Draco whispered.

We all went inside and down the steps to the dungeon. Guess what. There was no Megan!

"If this is a trap..." I said through clenched teeth while turning to Draco.

He looked at me with wide eyes "Its not honest!"

Draco and i started a hushed argument after about three minutes of arguing and threatening hexes Mara whisper yelled "WILL YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF!?!"

We both turned and looked at her. "Look I know you two have never gotten along but this is for Megan! She needs our help and you two threatening each other is not helping her." She said to us.

"Fine how about this? Mara you and Kara stay down here out of sight and wait for Megan to get back. I will keep everyone busy upstairs while you take her to Dumbledore. He'll know what to do with her." Draco said.

"Um. I have a slight confession to make." I said quietly.

"what?" Both Mara and Draco were looking at me now.

"i cant aperate." I said a little embarrassed.

"Ok well I can" Mara said "Why don't you go by broom to Dumbledore and ask him what we should do when we rescue Megan." She suggested.

"Ok but we have to hurry. My parents will be home soon." Draco said nervously.

Draco and i ran up the stairs leaving Mara in the basement alone. Since i didn't have my broom on me i borrowed Draco's. We waited till his parents got home before I left out his window.

"By the way thanks." He said looking down.

"your welcome." I said as i flew off. Now the hard part. Finding Dumbledore.

*Draco's POV*

I watched Kara fly off for a minute before feeling extremely cold hands on my shoulders. I flinched automatically.

"Draco what have you done?" The Dark Lords harsh voice hit my ears.

"I- I don't- I don't know what your talking about." I said

"Don't lie to me boy!" He said. He didn't yell though he said it so calmly which scared me even more. All thoughts of Megan vanished from my mind.

He let go of my shoulders and I turned around to see him and a bunch of Deatheaters. Kara's parents were there as well as my own and my aunt. Professor Snape was there too.

I looked at them all. All of them were smiling except Professor Snape. Then I saw them. Mara was in my aunts grip with my aunts wand pointed at her. Megan was unconscious in Kara's dad's arms he also had his wand at the ready. The Dark Lord turned to me.

"You will go after her. Bring her back here and I will let you off easy." He said harshly.

Without thinking i got on my broom and went after Kara. Oh this was not going to end well.

A/n hey! So here was Kara winning chapter.

And of course I've got the hiccups.

Okay so 1st place is Kara. She gets her chapter posted, a dedication, and a fan. but I already am a fan of her so yeah.

So 2nd place was a tie. I siriusly could NOT choose. So they both get 2nd. These people are Mara aka @RandomWeirdChick  and  @NickyTheNarwhale . They both get a fan and a dedication.

 3rd place is @rosierocks22. She gets a fan.

Oh and just cause she wanted me to say, @You_Are_Beatiful got last place. All that she wrote was,
"Megans POV

Torie's POV"

So yeah, BYE!



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