Mysterious Letters

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Chapter 47 - Mysterious Letters

So yeah, it turns out that I was right about Voldy Moldy taking over the Ministry the night of the wedding. I guess that there are some things that you just can't change. 

So now Ronald, Harry, and Hermione are off somewhere. Who knows if they went to London or not. Eh, whatever. I that's not really important right now I guess. 

So I gave the rest of the peeps their bracelets. 

Victoria really liked her coffee charmed bracelet that I got her. (A/n Even if she doens't think that I actually got one for her) 


I licked the charm that said Hermione on the back of it (Book Seven). 

"Hey," I spoke into the charm. 

She seemed a little started at first. 

"Where's that voice coming from?" I heard Harry ask. I think it was Hermione who laughed at him before responding to me.


"Where are you guys?" I asked her. 

"Uh some small town in Northern Ireland."

I laughed at her for no apparent reason. 

"Well listen, to get the next... well... you know what, you must go to Gringotts. It's in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault. Some how get the goblins to let you in. Keep in mind, it may be illegal.  Also, remeber that all magical enchantments and shit like that will come off about halfway down there. Just keep that in mind. And make sure that your deals are clearly stated," I instructed. 

"Okay, but how will we destroy it?" she asked me. 

I smirked even though I knew that she couldn't see me. "Just bring it to me. I'll let you know when it's time to and where I'll be. Don't worry, you will have all of the information when the time comes."

~*~A Few Months Later~*~

"But Mum! I have to go! It will be fine at Hogwarts!" I heard Ginny complain from the kitchen. 

"No, with Dumbledore gone and You-know-who taken over the Ministry, this is the only completely safe place. And this is where I want you to be." This has been going on between Mrs. Weasley and Ginny for weeks now. I wasn't sure if I should interfere  with it or just let it be as in the books Ginny does end up at Hogwarts. 

Like always, Ginny stormed out of the room in complete frustration. 

Honestly, I didn't want Ginny to go to Hogwarts because then I would be here bored to death... even worse than I was at Hogwarts last year. 


We were all at the breakfast table, you know, eating breakfast. Bill was there, so was Fleur (ugh), Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, Remus, Tonks, and some other people. If you're wondering where Sirius is, well he's here... but he's sleeping. 

All of a sudden, an owl flew in and dropped two letters bearing the Hogwarts logo on it.  Why two? Ginny is the only one attending Hogwarts here. Well that is unless some random kid sneaked in here. 

That would be creepy. 

I picked up one of the letters. It was addressed to Ginny so I threw it at her. I then carefully picked up the mystery letter. 

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