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Chapter 54 - Voldymorto.

3rd Person

While everyone was busy sobbing, there was a hand that worked its way up over the edge in which Megan had fallen not even an hour ago. 

As the hand was currently drenched in blood, caused by a deep cut in the small girls' wrist, she had trouble getting a good enough grip in order to pull herself up from the small ledge that she was standing on. 

Megan POV

I knew that somehow, I would be able to get back up onto the ground. 

Then a voice went through my head, one that was not mine. And most defiantly wasn't Voldemorts. 

But my fathers'. 

"Come on Megan. We both know that you have it in you to do this. You've been through so much in the past three years that it's not worth you falling over some stupid cliff because you can't pull your own body weight over an edge of a wall."

I tried yet again, but still did not succeed. 

"Do it for everyone here. Do it for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Do it for Dumbledore and Snape. For McGonnagal and any other Hogwarts teacher. Do it for your friends, your enemies, your boyfriend. Yes Megan, do it for Draco. You must know how he's feeling now. Believing that you're dead, right after he got you back."

This time I worked up all of my willpower and put it into this one final lift. 

I can't believe that all of this was just for me to get over a wall. 

And yes, this time I succeeded. 

And when I finally stood up on the normal ground, I could feel how much the fall had effected me. 

I could feel the dry blood sticking to my face, and clenched into my matted hair. My right leg hurt like a mother fucker, but it didn't keep me from making my way up to the place in which I would be watching the rest of the war take place. 

Draco POV

Just as I felt that the war would be starting up soon, I had made up a final decision. 

There's no use in living without Megan. 

She's my everything. 

So my plan was to jump off of the astromony tower. A place in which I had always gone to when I was troubled or upset, my happy place. Because now my happy place, would become the place of my death. 

It wasn't hard getting to the astronomy tower as the war had not started up again. 

I got there faster than I would have liked to. 

Why is it that when you don't want something to come, it always comes the fastest, while if you're excited for something to happen, it always takes forever?

The tower was dark, which surprised me considering all of the windows and openings in it. 

I walked over to the edge, looking out and over. 

Megan died by falling off of an edge. 

That's just how I need to also. 

Taking a deep breath, I moved one foot over onto nothing, ready to fall into nothingness. 

I felt the presence of someone. 

I was being watched. 

Someone is going to watch me commit suicide and not even make a noise. 

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